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i have been in this hobby for a long time i have tried selling things and asking for help but i never get any replies so i will still be in the hobby but start asking for help in other ways

good luck


are you saying that you depend soley on this website for your questions and classifieds? (scratch) I have no idea if anyone is truly loyal to one website when it comes to such a complicated hobby. While there are many knowledgable people not THAT many people know about this site.... I am sorry you weren't catered to but what a rude and childish comment to make. (nono)


On your question about "seaswerils/bubbles" I RESPONED, AND ASKED YOU A QUESTION BACK, No response. Felf a little dum. But you do what ya have to. Good Reefing To You.


(scratch) hrmmm


I'm sorry to hear that you have not gotten the amount of responses you anticipated but your reaction is puzzling. To echo others I suggest also trying reefcentral, reefs.org, and thereeftank, reefsanctuary, reefaquariumguide, coralforum, reeflounge, reefland, etc. This board is somewhat isolated as others mentioned.


as far as selling stuff, that's a hit and miss kind of thing, so I would put notifications on several boards. I'm sellin' off a ton o stuff but it can take some time, so stick with it and have patience.


best of luck.


In this instance size does matter...


This a small but growing forum. If all you do is use this forum to try and sell your equipment, then yes this is the wrong forum for you. I would always try and sell on this forum first since most of us are local and it would be nice not to have ship anything, but if you want a 'big' response, a large forum would be better. Heck, Craigslist is the way to go in that matter.


I dont post to questions I dont know the answer to. Which unfortunately is alot. ;) Dont take not getting alot of responses wrong... unless you expect everyone to say.. sorry, dont know the answer to that one or sorry Im not interested in what your selling


There's alot of forums out there. I feel this is a great forum and Ive met alot of great people here. But yes, I check out other forums too. But I always check this forum first. Its just nice to know most everyone lives in the general area, and at get-to-gethers you can put names to faces.




i agree with all others above. If you want alot ofresponses to questions then a forum like reef central is a better bet. Especially If you need a quick answer. they have thousands of members with at least hundreds online at any given time so there are alot more brains to pick for info. this forum only has a fraction of the members so unless its a general knowledge question then it takes some time for someone with expertise in the subject to get back to you. but this is also one of the few forums where I feel like the info i recieve in response to my questions is truthful and accurate. Partly because there are LFS owners who participate in these forums and when they answer a question you can take thier response as factual because with as hard as it is to maintain a hobby tank in the home it is even harder to maintain multiple systems for profit. just my .02

This is going no where fast and starting to get rude. It will be locked if we cannot play nice...


sorry (shy) just got rubbed the wrong way! (flower)

sorry (shy) just got rubbed the wrong way! (flower)



For me, if I want to sell something I will post it here first. If it doesn't sell I will post it elsewhere, where there is more traffic. As for questions, I will ask here but at the same time I will also research the other sites to find answers. I personally like reading several solutions as opposed to one. You have to remember that we are a small site and the question you asked... no one may have had the answer to. If it's about a specific piece of equipment, then the chances of it being answered here are far less than Reef Central. But believe me when I say that we all do want to help out... when we can of course! :D


well with only 26 post to your name and if part of them were selling not sure what your prob is lol, if you had Q's then they would'a be answered , havnt seen a post yet go unanswered but if your miffed cuze your stuff didnt sell here please go somware else lol, im a sponsor for the fact of what this site doe's for folk's getting to sell here is just a bonus.And gess what i dont sell alot but im not getting mad and leaving lol, grow -up cya, oh and your loss


Why is this thread worth continuing?...is it really worth replying at this point? I'd rather change the cat litter. :)

Why is this thread worth continuing?...is it really worth replying at this point? I'd rather change the cat litter. :)



Very good points. This is going nowhere. Thread Closed



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