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Mr S

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Would like to compile a list of all the teachers involved in the Tanks for Teachers program. Could you please respond to this thread if you are a recipient of a tank or you know of an active member who is in this program. Thanks a bunch.


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I was active. My coldwater tank was one of the first tft's donated by James at Envision. Currently, it is managed by Jessica Johnson at my former school. I have encouraged her to join but she has not at this time. Contact the school: James Madison Middle School

875 Wilkes Drive, Eugene, OR 97404. 541-790-4300

Hope this helps.

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Guest cataphonic

I'm here with my tank at the Village Free School. I've gotten some awesome donations from Calvin, Dr. Merle and Dave at Clownfish NW since I joined TFT.

I've been working on our teachers page on the wiki.

Besides that I'm not really sure what is entailed in the TFT program but I'm in it.


- Cat

Catherine Klebl

Village Free School

8660 SE Foster Rd

Portland, Or 97206

503.788.3935 school

503.975.8504 cell


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Since I have been permanently moved over to physics and chemistry, I have found that the tank of Nemos are a bit much in my classroom. I have moved the tank on to a biology teacher in the school.


I can PM you her info if you want.


The sad part about it is that over Christmas break there was a problem with the insulation on the wires of the powerhead. Somehow the wires got exposed and they started arcing in the saltwater. It is a surprise that it didn't start a fire. What it did do was to kill everything that was alive in the tank. My co-teacher came back to a tank full of the worst nastyness that you can imagine. She has spent the last week cleaning up the mess, getting a new powerhead, and is in the process of cycling the tank again.





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Since I have been permanently moved over to physics and chemistry, I have found that the tank of Nemos are a bit much in my classroom. I have moved the tank on to a biology teacher in the school.


I can PM you her info if you want.


The sad part about it is that over Christmas break there was a problem with the insulation on the wires of the powerhead. Somehow the wires got exposed and they started arcing in the saltwater. It is a surprise that it didn't start a fire. What it did do was to kill everything that was alive in the tank. My co-teacher came back to a tank full of the worst nastyness that you can imagine. She has spent the last week cleaning up the mess, getting a new powerhead, and is in the process of cycling the tank again.







(scary) That's no good. Sorry to hear that.

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i know bitricker's significant other has put in her applicatioin for the TFT program


She said that her application was accepted. We just got done moving so I'll get her on here to introduce herself. we have a pair of clowns that we will move to the school once a tank is set up, as well as a couple of frags. Her screen name is Ms. K I believe.


BTW Mr S. where/what do you teach? Both of us grew up in Salem. I'd be surprised if at least one of us didn't at least know some of your previous students.

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I was active. My coldwater tank was one of the first tft's donated by James at Envision. Currently, it is managed by Jessica Johnson at my former school. I have encouraged her to join but she has not at this time. Contact the school: James Madison Middle School

875 Wilkes Drive, Eugene, OR 97404. 541-790-4300

Hope this helps.


Not ignoring you Joel. You have put a great deal of time and work into the the TFT Program and the setting up of the Wiki site. Thanks for the update! We will be contacting Jessica Johnson at Madison M.S.

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