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Salt Mix ?


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I am filling my new 250 gal tank with fresh RO/DI water and Ocean Pure salt mix. Salinity is 1.024 (refractometer). Just for kicks I decided to test the water.



PH 7.8

That does not look good to me. Should I dump the water (has taken me three days to make this much), or try to boost with chemicals (A and B stuff?)?

I put the rock in the tank today, would be a [language filter] to have to take it all out and start over with the water.




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Well if thats meq/l on the alk your not doing to bad... but if its measured in DKH... then.. uh... huston... we have a problem.


Calcium easy to fix, ph no problem..... but OMG whats up with your salt! Im not even going to ask what you tested the magnesium to. I would consider returning the salt if its not old, if it is, I would do a 80 or so gallon water change to salvage what I could and dose the rest.


Sorry to hear of your troubles.

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not that i dont trust coral life but i always buff the ph and mag in all new batches of water i make and ive tested all avaible salts, reefcrystals,instant ocean, ocean pure,marine mix and couple others that i cant remeber names lol all but tropic marine which is to expensive to use in my operation lol but coral life is just as good or better then these mentioned for my buck but i still buff anyways i use seachems 8.3 and there mag product to buff.

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Joel mixed up some salt and the Ca and Alk were low, but the Mg was good. We opened another bag (same lot number) and the Ca and Alk were higher, but the Mg was lower. He gave me a new batch and the numbers I got were: Ca 420, Alk 9 (dkh). I do not have a Mg test kit yet, so no numbers there. I can live with that. Can only speculate as to why there were very different numbers between two bags of the same lot number salt.



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I have heard rumors that salts can settle while in their bags/buckets.

Would this have any effect on your test?


Thinking that maybe your bag had set for a while and settled a little and when Joel grabbed a new bag he might have shaken it up.


Like I say just rumors that I have read on other boards/threads.

Do any of you think this is possible?

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well the bags travel on there back flat, when I opened them I poured out the top portion so it should have been a fairly good representation of what is in the bag.


Good point though, Ill keep checking as I mix up large batches (like 80% of the bag at a time).


Only other thought is settling prior to bagging, since they were from the same lot.


I really think its a fluke, but I havent spoken to TAAM yet.

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