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Salt Mixes...whats everybody using?


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I used the sea chem reefsalt for a while, its just rediculously expensive where I was getting it, I am going to the store friday and going to give the coralife a shot, Using IO now but the price is like .30 cents less for the so called better salt... so here goes nothing.

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Guest Mbeef61

plane old IO here...tried reef crystals a few times but there was never ANY difference...just does when i need to dose...but my IO has been at alk-8, ca-420, mag-1250

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I have been using the Coral Pro for about 6-8 months now. I have pretty much been using it since it came out earlier this year. I liked the regular Red Sea salt but it was always low in almost everything so this has been a great. I have been getting better polyp extension and color out of the acros since using it.

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I have been using the Coral Pro for about 6-8 months now. I have pretty much been using it since it came out earlier this year. I liked the regular Red Sea salt but it was always low in almost everything so this has been a great. I have been getting better polyp extension and color out of the acros since using it.

Have you used any other salt brands to have some sort of comparasion.

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I have a bit of a comparison.. I used corallife salt in my tank for 4 or 5 months, started wmy tank with it. Then in the last 2 months, ive switched to a 50/50 mix of IO and Oceanic after Steve suggested it. The growth since then is outrages. The only thing its a little low on is mag ~ 1100... but its easily dosed. I don't know what the big difference in the mixes is, but I know i'll just be doing the 50/50 from now on.

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I have used a bunch of different salts. I started with coralife when I first opened the shop, then switched to Kent well before the change in the formula. From Kent I switched to Oceanic which I had really bad results from. In fact between the tank maintainence person that I do a lot of business and myself we went through a pallet of it and in that time most of the tanks we used it in developed Hair Algae and had pretty signifigant invert die off. I know of people that have had good results from Oceanic but most of those started with Oceanic in the first place. The people that have switched on an established tank that I have known have had problems. After my Oceanic fiasco I switched back to Kent for awhile and then when they choose not to renew their contract with Aquarium Systems to make the base for their salt I decided that they would probably screw it up so I switched to regular Red Sea Salt and then when the Red Sea Coral Pro came out I switched to that. So far with all of the salts we have tested the Red Sea Coral Pro had the most balanced numbers that were a little on the high side so that it is good for water changes.

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I have used a bunch of different salts. I started with coralife when I first opened the shop' date=' then switched to Kent well before the change in the formula. From Kent I switched to Oceanic which I had really bad results from. In fact between the tank maintainence person that I do a lot of business and myself we went through a pallet of it and in that time most of the tanks we used it in developed Hair Algae and had pretty signifigant invert die off. I know of people that have had good results from Oceanic but most of those started with Oceanic in the first place. The people that have switched on an established tank that I have known have had problems. After my Oceanic fiasco I switched back to Kent for awhile and then when they choose not to renew their contract with Aquarium Systems to make the base for their salt I decided that they would probably screw it up so I switched to regular Red Sea Salt and then when the Red Sea Coral Pro came out I switched to that. So far with all of the salts we have tested the Red Sea Coral Pro had the most balanced numbers that were a little on the high side so that it is good for water changes.[/quote']


Thats what I had with Oceanic also, cept I started the tank with it and had all those issues till I switched away. It was like turning a switch off to the algea.

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