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Do you use a filter sock?


Do you use a filter sock?  

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On my 180 I use the blue filter pad, Its in a tray 9x9, Three layers that I change once a week. It removes the larger waste and wiil become saturated and overflow which is ok just means its time to change and very simple to pull out the drawer and put in new

On the prop tanks in the garage I used a sock to contain the bubbles from the skimmer and filter the water. since I added a larger sump with more chambers the bubbles arent a problem anymore.

At first the sock was only lasting 3-4 days before it began to overflow and was a real pain to get out. With the new sump its a little easier to get in and out, I put it in last sunday and it hasnt overflowed yet. If it last a week I may leave it in just for filtering or I may go without and see what happens

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I don't use a filter sock. The overflow is diverted to my refugium and mangrove tank. In general my fish catch most of the food before it hits the overflow and I figure that anything else that slips by can feed all the critters in the refugium. I have tons of isopods, amphipods, starfish, bristle worms, snails, and red spagehti worms that clean everything up in there. I have tested my nitrates and they are 0. As for micro bubbles they have never been a problem. The only time I throw in a filter sock is if I am doing maintenance that throws up a lot of sediment.

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I don't use one but who knows, maybe I will some time later. No issues with bubbles or keeping the water clear so far though. I also seldom ever use any carbon. I do have some cleanup crew in my sump and refugium to take care of any excess detritus that reaches them. That and a dsb through both.

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I'm guessing just a regular wet/dry shop vac like you would find at HD or Lowes. http://www.lowes.com/lowes/lkn?action=productDetail&productId=215727-20097-9300611&lpage=none Never thought about using one on the aquarium but I don't see why it wouldn't work. I would want to get a new one specifically for it though to keep from contaminating the water.

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I have used a Shop-Vac befors also.

I use to have my set-up with the sump on floor level. And a siphon wouldn't work to clean up the "settlings" in the sump. I would only use it whereever I couldn't get a siphon to work.


Yeah it was just a typical Wet/Dry Shop-Vac that I got from Sears.

PS- make sure you remove the filter before use.

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I use a sock which I change weekly. I liken not using a sock to screwing without a rubber: the potential for nuisance beings is not worth the risk!!


How would running without a filter sock increase the chance of getting "nuisance beings"?


I don't use one. My overflow runs through a BIG chaeto clump teeming with pods, snails, and worms. Keeps the water fairly clear.

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