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Ok, if anyone here had a choice between T5's and MH what would you pick? Or even better lancecobb1 has a t5 set for sale and oxxx155 has a light fixture for sale. Which would you pick? The t5 only set up or the combo dual 250mh with actinics? Me I wouldn't know cause it looks like the 250mh set up is running 6 actinic bulbs and the T5's are appealling cause it would run at a cooler and more energy efficient. Now also the T5s place the light in a broader manner too, they hit more surface area. But the spectrum is not as good for the corals? Right? I know when I was researching, everyone says that the combo of the 2 is the way to go because with MH you can grow anything and everything. Any who...RLaForce is my great friend and we are having a dilemma? She does need a new light to get the cool color effect that she wants and the sunlight supply single end bulb that she is running just isn't cutting it. It works for the corals, but we want the pop and glow of the actinics! LOL!! What do you think?



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What brand is the 14k bulb? At 14k each brand seems to be a bit different. For soem extra pop in the corals you could try either a different brand in the 14k or bump up to something like a XM 15k (Of the ones I've tested the color on this is my favorite). 20k would really make them pop out but growth may slow. Or simply toss a T5 retrofit with one or two actinics in it. You will keep the shimmer from MH and get the colors popping out.


Between MH and T5 I would choose the MH although they do cost more to run and heat could be an issue. (I don't have a heat issue but mine are pendants that each have their own fan and they are out in the open rather than trapped in a hood)

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I have had both mh and t5 setups I really like the shimmer you get with the mh as for the t5 right now I have a tek 6 bulb setup on my 120 and the coral growth of my sps are killer. I got some frags from garrett about a month ago and there is about 1/4 inch of new growth just with the t5

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I have never used MH but I love my T5s! I like the choice of lamps you can choose from.

If you dont like the color, change a bulb or two! That t5 fixture would rock that 100 gallon tank! You would just need 4 ati blue plus, ati aqua blue special, uvl actinic white bulbs! you would get killer growth and sweet color!

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