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Hard corals dying, softies living and ok?


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Can anyone direct me to a thread or two regarding this topic? Any suggestions? I have good water quality, weekly 25% water changes, corals like frogspawn and hammer safely away, flow seems good ( 2 koarlia #2's in a 49g corner) 250w MH, 2 actinics positioned 4-10 inches above surface, Remora skimmer, Eheim filter, established tank, all fish good and all soft corals good. Hard corals are turning white, fleshy mucas forming for a day then dying out the next. They make great kitchen window ornaments, but I would rather admire them with the rest of the tank!!;)

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There is quite alot of info out there, try google things like "sps rtn" "sps disease" things like that and you will get a lot to read. Unfortunatly most come to the same conclusions and even the experts just dont know. Dont bother with the forums as they lead no where and if you are fairly confinent in your tanks parameters its most likey something that was introduced into your tank.

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when you say established how long has it been I dont add many sps types unless the tanks close to a year old also if you have alot of leather corals in the colt,sinularia, or toad stool type and your skimmer isnt large enough this also could be affecting them also all above mentioned malady's including making sure your salt has been mixed and areated for 24-48 hours

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