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Well this is pretty cool


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Yep, it is a good thing.


Have you read Karen's rose anemone site yet? If not you should.




Pay careful attention to the "cover powerheads" section, expecially if it just split. The clones may wander around a while looking for new territory and may just wander into a powerhead by mistake.


Enjoy that anemone. :)



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Keep watching them. They usually stay put for a few days before they move. Normally they go hide under rocks first and then a few days later come out to search for a good spot but not always.


Just got home from being gone most the day and both really opened up with the halides on.


Best news of all, my little Perc has started hosting it today. My Ocelleris pair have not tried yet, but the perc is going to town on it.



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They look good for just splitting recently.


True percs take to BTAs better than false percs. BTAs are not natural hosts to either one, but true percs take to them better. Maybe the ocellaris pair will "learn" to host from the perc, then will kick the perc out of the anemone. If they do, you can move one anemone to each side of the tank so each type of clown has one end. :)



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Well I have yet to get a picture, everytime I go to take one they swim up to the glass. But.. Both my Ocelleris clowns have now somewhat accepted the RBTA. Not sure if I would call it hosting, but they willingly swim through it and like to hang out near it and in it. There not getting into as much as the little perc, but they are getting the idea.

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My clowns have all hosted anemones except the pair of maroon ones I recently picked up. What's interesting though is that currently none of them really seem interested. The Cinnamon Clown stays near my frogspawn instead and if it feels threatened enough retreats to it. It's at the point now though where it backs down the big black clowns though so it isn't even going to that much anymore. Oh well, the Big Black ones and my Orange one have taken up residence in the clay pot instead so that works for me.

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Well the 2 big clowns have started hanging out in them during the day now.



At night they go back to there corner and let the little perc sleep in the RBTA.


Thye seem to be doing pretty good after the split.




Are the white streaks normal? never noticed them before in any other RBTA. All the ones at the seahorse seemed to have them. They seem to be recovering nicely. Mouths are forming to the center. I fed them a few days ago and they instantly grabbed on and chomped the food down. They really open up to the halides, but look the coolest under the antics.



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