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Let's show some appreciation


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So I just got some of the prizes being donated for the next competition and I was again amazed....these things are beautiful. So it made me realize that I haven't given enough credit out to these guys for making these competitions what they are. So come on guys....let show some appreciation.


First off, Totally Exotic Corals

Jody has been more then generous with his donations....seriously. He sent some beautiful pieces for the first one, and then did himself up with the second round.. I highly recommend checking out his site...great corals,great prices, great selection, and a pleasure to talk with. All around excellent experience. I know where my next order is going. Here is a link to their site.




Next up, Rose City Aquariums

Nick too was overly generous with his donations of some very nice cyphastria's, Acan's, and chalices. Extremely nice pieces, trust me you "winners" can't wait to see em. Nick also is a great person to chat with, has a nice selection, and great prices. Here is a link to their store info...




Davy Jones Locker....how can I leave these guys out? Bob, as we all know, is awesome. Donated a very nice colony of Purple Deaths to the competition, plus tons of insight. I was sad to hear he was no longer with them(sad). But either way, Lowman, you will always have my support, as will Davy Jones Locker. These guys are great. Gotta check out their shop. Here is a link to their info




These guys have seriously been the factors that have led to the success of the Grow Out Competition. Their support of this site is crucial to our success as reefers and we should support them as well. Their interaction and donations to this competition are greatly appreciated.


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Kudo's to everyone that has donated prizes, I wonder if we can get this thread stickied? These guys really do deserve to be noticed for what they have contributed.


I don't see Garrett on the list though, as I recall he donated the competition piece so he deserves some recognition as well.


While were at it CA2OR, SnowPunk, and Dzos all deserve a thanks as well. CA2OR is primarily responsible for getting the competition going and I know SnowPunk and Dzos have both helped in various capacities as well. (I may have missed some others that I don't know about)

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Oh...snap! How could I forget Garrettm85....


Just so all know...to date all competition pieces have been donated by Garrettm85. I am so sorry I forgot to put you in the initial post. Garrett....you are the man. Thank you very much for everything you have done from the pieces to the advice. Can't thank you enough.

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All these shops definitely deserve a big thanks from all. It takes some guts to step out and give stuff away to something that is really just an idea. This game would have fizzled out to be nothing without our donating sponsors.

(clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap)


Garret gave us the first(and now second colony) at cost. It wasn't really that easy though. Along with just getting us something he also made sure it fit our strict criteria. We wanted something with great color, enough to get everyone a good size frag, and cheap enough to fit our small budget. He delivered and then some by getting an even bigger colony at the last minute when extras joined. Huge thank you Garret. I think next round will be just as tricky for him too since we are approaching 40 possible entry's. :p

(clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap)


Nick at Rose City jumped on board to donate as soon as he heard about it, pretty much no questions asked. He donated much more then we were expecting to get from any one sponsor, and on top of all that was like a kid at a candy shop at the idea of the game. I went and personally picked up the corals from Nick and could barely get out of there. Not only is he generous but a totally cool guy to sit and talk to.

(clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap)


TEC has sent a couple stunning prize pieces for the game also. I personally didn't interact with him but I heard from Eric that he is one great guy to deal with. Judging from the stuff I have seen from him I am going to have to put in an order for some stuff if I can't win it.:p

(clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap) (clap)


Bob, formerly of DJL was another to jump on the ball as soon as we announced the game. He sent us a whole rock of purple deaths to give out. Don't quote me on this but I think he even delivered these. WHO DOES THAT?(rock2)




I hope anyone currently in the game or anyone who really feels these guys are doing a good thing by helping out our game, please try and support these shops as much as possible. These are hard times for businesses, and to get some that are willing to put their necks out like this really deserve our business. I personally have bought from almost all of them and will be trying to do my part to help them out by buying from all of them again. If you are like me you probably can't afford to buy a ton but every little bit helps. If you need something, give one of these guys a call or send them a PM. It's a win win for all of us to support the stores that support us...


Seriously, I can't tell them all thank you enough!!!!!!(rock2)(rock2)(rock2)

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I think that there should defiantely be some credit given to those that have worked so hard to get this whole thing organized! That would be a big thank you to CA2OR and Snowpunk for all of their great ideas' date=' organization, and communicaion!!![/size']


I'm just in the background, acting as CA2OR's voice of reason. You know, for when he gets those really crazy ideas(laugh). This is pretty much all his little creation, and a great one at that. I'm trying to help out any way I can though. It is nice to see his idea, and hard work pay off with the game going so well.


(drinking)Here's to many more GOC in the future from which everyone will benefit from(drinking)

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I'm just in the background' date=' acting as CA2OR's voice of reason. You know, for when he gets those really crazy ideas(laugh). [/quote']

LOL, He does the same thing with me. I try to stay way in the background though. I believe in what he is doing and want to see it be a success so I try to keep him steered in the right direction. It is as you said though, his creation.

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ok...I will admit I have some far fetched idea's at times and need a little.....direction. I just thought this competition would be alot of fun and educating. I am hoping to start some new one's shortly. But with only a short list of donating sponsors I am worried we will be asking too much for the additional donations. Maybe we can snag a few more sponsors.

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