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Impur again


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Ok so the wife and I traveled over to eugene to go to a show and she had bought a yuma rock from miles. (60 or so on the rock for a tiny bit of cash). Miles, remember he's a ducks fan, got his days mixed up and thought I was coming by on tuesday. I was actually coming on wednesday so when we got the days worked out, I went by his house on what i'm figuring was his lunch hour. DUDE HIS TANKS ARE BEAUTIFUL!!!! So I'm staring in his tanks and see a couple of frags that I liked. One was a blue tipped tenius sp?? and the other was a purple bonsai. (I'm assuming the garf one?) So I asked him how much he wanted for the bonsai and I was waiting to hear atleast 30 bucks and he spit out 5$. I almost choked. (I bought it) then I asked him about the very generous frag of tenius expecting a similar price of 30 to 40 (would have paid it) but nope 10$. They are beautiful corals and I do appreciate it Miles. If anyone has the chance to deal with him I recommend it. Thank you very much and I'll be in touch next time through.

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You know, I know you are right. I mean even if the Ducks he likes aren't the hockey team...I can keep telling myself otherwise...denial is a powerful tool.


Just kidding Miles. I do look forward to some kind of interaction between us. There is that upcomming competition....maybe I can find a way to meet you around then.

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