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Color enhancing fish food


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Does anyone make their own fish food add veggies that contain carotene to enhance your fish color? I've noticed my 2 blue star leopard wrasses are not as blue and red as when they were first added when comparing old pics. I've fed them varies of commercial flakes, pellets, and frozen food plus frozen shrimps. Saw this article about enhancing and maintaining fish color with different veggies but for freshwater fish. Very interesting... I will make a small batch to see.




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Stopped by Asian market today and found this:




Put some of that krill and regular frozen shrimp into food processer. I added about 1/8 of an avocado, one glove of garlic, table spoon roughly of paprika powder, a bit of seaweed sheet, and eyeball some carrot juice. Then I heated some gelatin then chilled before mixing all together. I wasn't sure how much gelatin so only added half a pack.




Will try feed some tmr and report back. :)


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That was my thought. I have seen some brite fish with store bought food. Even my fish are very nicely colored.

Very true. I've seen them :)

LRS has stuff like phyto, eggs, and ovarian tissue?? If I can't keep my fish healthy with that than I'm done! Lol

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I usually skip the gelatin and give it a courser grind, the freezing will keep things together until it thaws in a glass of water or tank...And I have never added avocado before, do they like it?

I had to use gelatin to bind the carrot juice. :)


I fed them avocado before as treats. The tangs, wrasses, and cardinals really like it.


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I´ve also heard that if you grind up the shrimp shells fine enough, it will substitute for adding gelatin. It isn´t always fun to shuck 30-40 shrimp, unless they are for food. :)

If I didn't add carrot juice then I wouldn't need gelatin. Trying to give fish more carotenoids and vitamins. :)


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You would think LRS would be sufficient to keep colors vibrant. Could it be something else?

I could be wrong... From what I read fish color are from eating food with different carotenoids. Carotenoids are only produced by plants/algae. Only thing in LRS that have carotenoids are the krills?


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The best colors I have gotten from my fish is by feeding lots of sea weed and vegetables. I supplement with meaty stuff and LRS rocks as an all in one food but I would not solely rely on it as thinks some fish need more sea weed and vegetables. I will also alternate between different colored sheets of nori.


Ever wonder why salmon meat is so pinkish in color and hatchery raised fish is very dull? In the wild they consume tons of krill which gives them their flesh color

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Quick update... I added too much carrot juice so I ended up freezing them into cubes. I fed a small frozen bits and triggers are it up pretty fast. Don't want to freeze their stomachs or give them brain freeze, I ended up thaw out a cube and place a bunch of algae pellets to soak it up into a paste. Works pretty well, all my fishes love it. Water cloud up a little during feeding but clears up fast.


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  • 4 months later...

I made another batch today with just slight thawed 20 peeled frozen shrimps, 1/5 avocado, and 2 large spoonful of spirulina powder ($20 for 8oz from Amazon). All minced in food processor, which turned into nice dark green shrimp paste. Feed some and fishes went nuts. I freeze the rest, flat out in zip lock bag and will cut into squares when frozen.


From reading health nuts websites, spirulina is the current top super food with lots of omega3, proteins, ammo acids, etc. It also have lots of carotene so I didn't add paprika powder this time. I still feed NLS pellets and flakes regularly.


Some caution for those wanting to add spirulina to your daily smoothie...I read some may contain harmful bacteria depending on where they are harvest or how they are grown. I got the ones farmed in California but still won't chance eating it myself. Haha


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Following. After accidently thawing all my food, I'm looking to switch it up. My fish all have excellent colors...for now. Trying to keep it that way. Currently Feeding Pellets (floating & sinking) soaked in garlic. I feed frozen PE mysis and brine when I dont leave them on the counter. I'm looking into adding more supplements for overall health as well. I like the look of Rod's blends but I have yet to try it.

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