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Everything posted by SALTY

  1. I have some GSP and Xenia that I would like to get rid of and out of my sump, it is free or if you have a green sinularia frag you want swap that would be cool. The Xenia in the containor have attached them selfs to the rubble in the container, the Xenia on the right of the container I will be keeping but everything else goes. Price $free
  2. I have an old ATI skimmer with some modifications that works great, it will come with a red devil PS3 pump. $80
  3. I will have more next week and will go down the list for people that want some.
  4. Does anyone else having issue with there pump going in to safe mode for no reason. This is my second pump with the same issue.
  5. For the money I was extremely surprised.
  6. Hi Ron, here is the link to it. https://www.amazon.com/ACKE-Fixtures-Seedlings-Hydroponics-Aeroponics/dp/B01N47QRHV/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?keywords=refugium+light&qid=1581295299&sr=8-5
  7. I am still amazed on how well this cheap $25 light grows the Chaeto, this is what I harvest every other week. If anyone ever needs some clean Chaeto for free let me know.
  8. Does anyone still use the ATI bubble master 200 skimmer and how do you like it.
  9. I have some in the Vancouver area if anyone wants some.
  10. Is there any place locally close to Vancouver to buy DIY resin ?
  11. I am in Vancouver, still a drive but I have some.
  12. I will take some sunset and purple ones.
  13. Looking to trade GSP for Pom-Pom Xenia.
  14. SALTY


    Mods please close... Sold
  15. And I would be interested in the core by itself
  16. SALTY


    Good point....I for got that part.
  17. SALTY


    Just upgraded my sump so this one needs a new home. I did a quick cleaning and it's ready to go. 24" long by 12" wide by 16" tall $100
  18. I am upgrading my sump and will be selling my old one. its in great shape and is an awesome sump I just upgraded to the bigger version the R300 so this one will be available after January 12th. Asking $125 https://www.aquacave.com/eshopps-refugium-r-100-75-125-gal-3rd-generation.html?fee=1&fep=5503&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIpsjr2N7r5gIVSSCtBh1hVAxPEAQYAiABEgJNavD_BwE
  19. I have a big ziplock bag I could give someone if they want it. Located in Vancouver
  20. I use this little light I got from Amazon FOR $25. I harvest about 1/2 every week and take it to Reef Box. https://www.amazon.com/ACKE-Fixtures-Seedlings-Hydroponics-Aeroponics/dp/B01N47QRHV/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?crid=2X0VPEPMXM6J9&keywords=refugium+light&qid=1577758762&sprefix=refug%2Caps%2C213&sr=8-2-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEzTzNQQVJQSEtINlYwJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwODY5MDMzU0pVVEhNTUZHWUwyJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTAyNjAyMzQzN1ZMUlhRT1NVSERYJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==
  21. SALTY


    I am in Vancouver kinda by the mall
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