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Top 4 fish


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my top are:


2 false percs

lawnmower blenny

6-line or taking the risk with a pymgy angel


ive been discouraged against angels because alot of them nip at SPS,LPS and clams and can pick them to death..ive heard alot of stories of 6-lines doing well if added last and as small as you can find

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Not sure on your budget, but this is what I would put in there if it was my tank


Pretty sure 2 species of clown in the same tank is a no-no. And I am positive a pseudochromis (basslet) is not a good idea either. Pseudochromis get VERY mean and VERY aggressive, shame because there are some gorgeous species in that group.

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Pretty sure 2 species of clown in the same tank is a no-no. And I am positive a pseudochromis (basslet) is not a good idea either. Pseudochromis get VERY mean and VERY aggressive' date=' shame because there are some gorgeous species in that group.[/quote']



I thing that he was giving two different options. One set with the fancy clowns, the other set with the "normal" clowns. Besides, aren't Picassos just fancy percs? If they are, then they are the same species, and there is no problem, except that there would be 4 of them together.


Actually, if they are all introduced to the tank as juveniles, then you can have more than a pair of them in one tank (I don't know if this applies to smaller tanks). Dave Durr talks about customers getting 5-10 of his clowns and putting them all in the same tank. Even if some of them pair off, the rest will stay juvenile and just wait for the "old man" and the "old lady" to die off so they can have their day in the genetic lottery.



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Nice...what about if you have one and add 2 more? Reason I ask is out of nowhere my female from my mated pair died this morning. I think it picked a fight with the lion and lost. The male is still there and doing fine, and I would like to get at least another one but have been told that if I am going to add 1 I should add 2

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How about a great white shark? I think if you just didn't fee him and kept your hands out of the tank you would be just fine. HA HA HA.....Sorry, I'm a bit 'punchy' tonight.

All joking aside, you would do well with a mated pair of clowns and maybe a lawnmower as well. Good luck.

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Pretty sure 2 species of clown in the same tank is a no-no. And I am positive a pseudochromis (basslet) is not a good idea either. Pseudochromis get VERY mean and VERY aggressive' date=' shame because there are some gorgeous species in that group.[/quote']


As already answered, that was two different groups of 4 fish.


Also, nothing listed was a purple pseudochromis, which are indeed aggressive.


Here is a pseudo




The Black Cap Basslet or Gramma malacara is as you may have guessed, in the gramma family and aside from watching its own hole in a rock, is a very docile fish


for comparison




If you were looking at the assessor aka Assessor macneilli, is actually a basslet, and is also overly docile and requires calm tankmates. While some times known as a blue devilfish, that has nothing to do with their demeanor


another image here




Hope that cleared things up... I wouldn't recommend a Pseudochromis (except for maybe an orchid for a larger tank) to my worst enemy :)

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I had a bad experience with a pseudochromis when I tried it. The LFS out here where I got him said "he will be just fine" knowing what I had. Come to find out they were right "HE" was fine, it was the rest of my fish that suffered. Needless to say that was the last time I have or ever will be in that store. Not to mention the fish I got from there were very generous and shared the velvet with all of my fish which in turn spelled doom for the tank. Cost me a pretty penny to learn that lesson in both a UV sterilizer and replacing all my fish. In addition it has caused me to second guess everything I am recommended to do to my tank. Now, I call the LFS's I used to frequent in SoCal to verify EVERYTHING I am told here. I find this to be a sad outcome as I wanted nothing more than to build relationships with stores local to me and to spend money with them. So I still send all my money to Cali when I order fish or corals.


Waiting for a store to change my opinion(whistle). Not that I haven't seen some nice stores here. Seahorse, Upscales, WAVES, haven't been to Davey's locker, Soustas, or a few others yet so I can't say, but have heard good about them.

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To further clarify, pseudos are their own family Pseudochromidae, basslets are from the Serranidae family... you have to go back to Perciformes at the order level to find a relationship between them.

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Pretty good Taxonomy Krux.


Grammatidae was recently split from the "junk drawer" family Serranidae, I think in the past 10 years or so. As was Plesiopidae (Roundheads) which includes the Genus Assessor, as well as the Genus Calloplesiops (Marine "bettas").


Grammatidae, was split out on these characteristics; Lateral line interrupted (two segments) or lacking. One spine on pelvic fin; soft rays 5. Dorsal fin spines 11-13.


Plesiopidae, was split out on these characteristics; Third branchiostegal ray extending farther posteriorly than adjacent rays resulting in a projection on the margin of the branchiostegal membrane (except in Calloplesiops); lateral line incomplete or disjunct.


I would say in general all three families, Plesiopidae, Grammatidae, and Pseudochromidae, are three closely related. In fact C.A.S. (California Academy of Science) lists them next to each other, and I believe they are in the same suborder, though I cant recall its name at the moment.

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Pretty good Taxonomy Krux.


Grammatidae was recently split from the "junk drawer" family Serranidae


I never gave the science community permission to change the taxonomy, I will have to look into it and find the responsible party and punish them.

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I am certainly glad to here that all of my previous sand sifting stars are doing well in there new tanks. I am going to grab 1 for each tank that has sand in it for this new system. I will wait a bit but will not have a reef without a good sand cleaner crew. Potters angels are beautiful and I have had pretty good luck with them aswell. Thanks Lance and Curtis for confirming that they are well.




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Pseudos in general are dead evil' date=' I had luck with a couple, but nice friendly ones are a rare find.. your luck with one does not surprise me :([/quote']


I had a 29 with just a chalk basslet so I decided to save a petco Strawberry Pseudo. Any predictions on how this turned out??? Not what you think!!!




My basslet actually chased the Pseudo around for days! They fought a few times that I saw and then the enevitable....... The dang Pseudo found a narrow spot by the filter that was uncovered and took the jump when I was at work one day.......(nutty) The stupid Chalk Basslet one!DOH! He left my tank the next day to the closest LFS!(nono) I have not tried to own either of them since then however.




I would say since I had a 29's for a long time.....

I would go with a shrimp/gobi pair or at leased a goby

I would do a dwarf angel to help with algea, pygmys or a rusty angel are my choice

I would say you gota have a clown too, I would go with a black or saddleback if you are not worried about them biting you. My pair of blacks got pretty agressive to me but they didn't seem to bother any of the fish I had in the 29 with them...... I think they are beautiful......

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