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PC or MAC  

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Just a quick question. Got to thinking about it and was wondering if people use PC, Mac or Both. Just curious as I seem to always get some this is better or this is better talk.




B. Mac


C. both



I've never posted a poll so I may have done it wrong.


Personally I built my own PC but I have a Powerbook for a laptop.

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which is the exact reason I bought the alienware laptop. I bring my laptop around other "gamers" and watch their jaw drop when my laptop puts their $2000+ gaming desktop in the dirt.


Alienware: the ultimate gaming machine


Alienware: the way gaming should be.


nothing implied towards anyone.

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Having worked in the basic sciences since '84 have had a lot of Mac exposure as that was the standard in most my labs. On the other hand, I have always owned at least one PC as well and built several over the years (just don't have time anymore with the tank!). I like aspects of both but find that the bang for the buck in PC hardware still can't be touched by the Mac's while there are certain activities (photo/video editing) for which the Macs seem to have better and less glitchy software. Of course, now that the Macs are all intel platforms it's quite easy to run a dual OS machine... I just would not plan to play high end games on it.

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I am an avid gamer that wants the latest and greatest in desktop power and HD graphics' date=' so pc is the only way to go for me. The power and speed I get out of my pc blows mac out of the water, as well as xbox 360 and ps3, there is just not too much comparison.[/quote']


This is exactly why I have both. I built my PC 5 years ago, and it's still going strong. Not running circles like it used to but it's still fast enough for all the games I play. On the other hand, I had to have something portable and wanted the perfection the Mac offers. If it wasn't for the games, I think I'd have to take a mac over a pc but thankfully I don't have to make that choice.:D

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I have built numerous PC's over the years and as everyone has already stated if your a gamer PC's are the way to go, but for music, video editing, graphic design, Mac is where it is at. I want a new Macbook Pro so bad I can taste it, but whew they are pricey.


Household currently has one desktop and two laptops.



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I've had a mac since 1985, although I use both in my daily life and I work for the #1 PC maker in the world. I always tell people when asked that question, do you want to use your computer or do you want to learn how to use your computer? If you want to just use your computer, then Mac is the way to go. A Mac just works. Right out of the box. Although better than it used to be, a pc is nothing but driver, virus and windows problems. Might I even be so bold to say that Windows SUCKS! Big time. If you use OS X on the mac and then compare it to Vista (or any version of windows), well, there is no comparison. Plus, there has NEVER been a SINGLE virus that has had any widespread affect on the Macintosh platform. Ever!


OS X: Stable, secure unix based platform.

Vista: Crappy, virus ridden, unsecure, unstable mess.


Of course, YMMV.

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I'm with the "they both serve their purpose" crowd, we have always had pc's at home but use mac at work for our web graphics and printed material for advertising. My daughter took some classes for photoshop,illustrator etc and they were all taught on macs. I did buy her a mac book because I was tired of fixing her computer all the time, she was constantly getting virus's or having other problems. She told me her boyfriend plays w.o.w on it better than his pc right out of the box


For the gamers or if you are familiar with, my current build is running FSX on max high all settings and getting 25+fps. I'm going to ramp it up some more to run three monitors

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Pick up a copy of Parallels. For everything other than games, it'll give the (Intel) Mac a better version of Windows than a vanilla Wintel box.


For games, it's hard to beat a PC -- but as more and more primo titles are first/co- released for XBox360, PC gaming is getting less compelling to me. I'm finding it harder and harder to justify $250 video card upgrades when my $200 360 plays just fine as it is (just wish it had mouse & kb input for FPS-style games)

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Pick up a copy of Parallels. For everything other than games' date=' it'll give the (Intel) Mac a better version of Windows than a vanilla Wintel box. [/quote']


FWIW - our folk have pretty much completely switched to VMWare Fusion for running their dual (or multiple) OS machines and prefer it to Parallels. We have one machine running at least 4 different OSs simultaneously at this point. Pretty slick...

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Yeah, VMWare is right up there too; VirtualBox is another option (free, too!). I'm experimenting with XP and Ubuntu on Parallels now -- it's nice having a bulletproof sandbox. If it get's weirded out, I just delete it and start over.

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PC for me. Cant justify spending 3x the price for a mac, although they do look better imo.

I am trying a new system, get a $500 laptop every 2 years as opposed to dropping $1500+ every 5 on one. Everything upgrades so fast that having a cheap laptop is often better for me than an expensive outdated one.

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See, that's the thing. It is not required to upgrade your mac every year or so. They are already so much better at handling apps, especially the OS, that it's just not that big a deal. Whereas with windoze, every time MS comes out with an upgrade you need to upgrade your peecee just to handle it. It seems that MS and Intel have got people by the b***s in this regard.

And you're not 3X for a similarly equiped mac laptop versus a windoze model. When you compare apples to apples (no pun intended) and you consider the upgrade cycle they come out pretty close. Yes, you will pay a premium for a mac, but you can't expect to drive a new Porsche for the cost (and quality)of a used Yugo. :D

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