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R-3's Official 37G Oceanic Cube Thread


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Okay so here is the start of my new tank thread. I just got it today up in WA. Its a 24.5x18.5x21 37G Oceanic Cube w/corner overflow box drilled in the back. Only cost me $100 w/stand. I also bought a 24" Current Outer Orbit HQI 150w,2 65WPC, and 4 moonlights light setup.


Here are some pics of it. I still gotta clean it Ill paint the back tonight.






Heres a closeup of the light. I think im gonna like it!!





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I got the tank all cleaned up and even put some "orange oil" stuff on the stand. Then I painted the side where the overflow was and the back. Looks good. A lot better than being able to see through it. I gotta go get a 10G for a temporary sump and some sand so I can get it setup tomorrow. Im gonna borrow Reefin's CPR Bakpak for the time being till I sell my other stuff. Heres some pics


Somewhat clean, :)





Heres the back and the side painted. I just realized i missed a spot in the top corner, oops LOL.





And heres the pics of the light






I gotta plumb the overflow tomorrow, setup the sump, get sand, etc....Updates to come. Later Ryan

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Im going to be tearing down my 75 and putting the "choice" corals I have and selling the rest. As for the livestock im gonna be putting everything I have now in the 37. This includes a true percula, green chromis, yellow watchman, 6 line wrasse, and a pygmy angel. Im gonna see how those guys adjust before I think about adding anything. I think I might just stay with what I got.


UPDATES- I got the tank plumbed with a temp sump (10G AGA) till I build the new one. Im gonna put water in it right now. Later Ryan

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I filled it with water last night to make sure the tank had no leaks. Everything was good. So I filled the sump up and I am wet testing it right now. Plumbing has no leaks (so far) Ill let this set for a day or so and then moveit in to the house. Here are some pics. I also need to build a sump this week. the 10G will work for now. The return is also temp tillI go get my Seaswirl form Keith.






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Here are some pics


Here are some updated pics. The only rock I have in it right now is the stuff that was in my sump. I still havent taken any out of the tank. I think I might cook that rock before I put it in there. Ohh yeah I have it temporarily setup in my computer/office/where everything else goes till I put the hardwodd floor in my living room and kitchen this next week.


Heres a pic with just the 2 65wPCs and 4 3/4w LEDS. When I get the other rock cooked I will do some aquascaping.




Heres my temp. 10G AGA sump. It works though. Im gonna build a 18x15x16T acrylic sump here pretty soon.





MORE TO COME. Later Ryan

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I transferred everything over this weekend. That was a lot of fun, NOT!! I had to get the tank and everything cleaned up so Miles could pick up his new tank on Sunday. So I put everything I wanted to keep in my new 37G and the stuff for sale (leftover frags) in my extra 20H. Ill get some pics tonight but heres a rundown of my livestock and corals.




Yellow watchman goby

Green chromis

Percula clown

Pygmy angel

2 Peppermint shrimp


Im thinking of adding 1 or 2 more fish. Not sure yet what to add.




Green Slimer

Upscales Birdsnest

Red Stag


Oregon Tort

2- Green Rics

Green w/Purple Rim Cap

Purple Cap

Idaho Grape

2-Unknown Waves Acro

Unknown frag from Upscales



Pinkish/Peach Mili

Blue Candy Cane

Misc Zoos

3" Crocea


Chili Coral



Wild Acro


I think that is it! Later Ryan




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I got the 1000 hooked up tonight. Man this thing rips. I cant wait to see what type of gunk this yanks out. Im already getting a ton of foam and Ive only been setup for 2 hours. I like these skimmers! I lost my SD card to my camera "OOps" so it will be awhile till I find it. Then I will post some pics. LAter Ryan

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