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Waterbox Reef 130.4 Build


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Well got the dt and sump filled and running. I'm going to order some more rock, it doesn't seem like there isnt enough in there but it does leave a lot of open room to swim around.

Is there a trick on how to have a balance of the noise coming from overflow vox, seems like the main drain is open to much and I back it down just a tad and the backup drain kicks in.

Tomorrow ill get some salt in there and set my heater temp. I've watched a yt video about having your salinity lower and temp low to help speed up the cycles. Has anyone tried this or just normal 1.026 and 78 temp.

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55 minutes ago, Danielie21 said:

Tomorrow ill get some salt in there and set my heater temp. I've watched a yt video about having your salinity lower and temp low to help speed up the cycles. Has anyone tried this or just normal 1.026 and 78 temp.

I'd probably just set it up as normal - 1.026 and 78, and then add a few pinches of food to get things going...but if you are wanting to move things along a little quicker, maybe add some Dr. Tim's?


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I'd probably just set it up as normal - 1.026 and 78, and then add a few pinches of food to get things going...but if you are wanting to move things along a little quicker, maybe add some Dr. Tim's?
I picked this up: https://www.bulkreefsupply.com/microbacter-dry-rock-bacteria-starter-kit-brightwell-aquatics.html

Says in 8 days but ill still give it more time than that. Guess I need to get a stock list in order next and a qt rdy. Does anyone have an online place they like and trust to order from, since the only lfs is petco im a little worried about them. I could always make a trip to Seattle area i guess for a day with the kidos.

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Sorry for not posting any updates been crazy here with rl and work.

Just a small update tanknis full and running. I was able to get the overflow nice and quiet just some small tuning of that gate valve.

Went ahead and kicked my heater on and started to add my salt to the tank, went a little on the high side in the salinity so after fixing that its sitting at a nice 1.025.

Started my Brightwell treatment on Monday. Started with a ph of 8.2 and ammonia at 2 ppm. Tuesday still was the same 8.2 and 2. The big change was yesterday was ph 8.2 ammonia 1.2ppm and nitrite .1ppm. I did not test for rates yet since the directions said to hold off until today to check it.

Since the only lfs closed down here im going to head to Spokane this weekend to check out a couple of stores that way and see whst they have, my plan is to go back in two weeks to get some fish if everything checks out ok.

Since I don't have a quarantine tank setup or the equipment yet that will be taken care this weekend while there, is there anything I should look for eq wise and medicine I never used a qt in my last setup since everything i got was from other reefers.bddd4f3e5af73116f29fa7f76dc072af.jpg

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On 9/17/2020 at 9:22 AM, Danielie21 said:

Since I don't have a quarantine tank setup or the equipment yet that will be taken care this weekend while there, is there anything I should look for eq wise and medicine I never used a qt in my last setup since everything i got was from other reefers.

Are you setting up the QT for fish or corals? Or are you going to set up one for each?

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I would recommend googling humblefish quarantine. He has a great post on r2r that is a great guide.

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Thank you bboileau92 ill take a look at it.

Thinking of just hitting up petco to get a cheap 10g with a hob filter,heater and an ammonia sticker.

Did my daily test tonight.
Sal: 1.026
Amn: .8 ppm
Rite: .2 ppm
Rate: 10 ppm

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I finally sat down and made me up a wish list last night and I wanted to get some feedback on if its two much, i've never had this big of a tank before but i don't want to load it down as well. I have my qt sitting on the counter going to get it started up tonight. I haven't order any medicine yet which i'm not real sure what to have on hand.


2 Sets    ocellaris clownfish captive-bred    P    20g    RS
1    purple firefish             P    20g    RS    jumper
1     tailspot blenny                P    10g    RS
1     6 line wrasse                 S-A    55g    RS    jumper
1     yellow tang                S-A    100g    RS
3    banggai cardinalfish             S-A    30g    RS
1     coral beauty                S-A    70g    w/C
1    flamed angelfish            S-A    70g    w/C

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I'd strongly suggest not putting a 6 line wrasse in that list. They are jerks, and you will never catch it to remove it. I love the melanurus wrasse. Very colorful, bigger, peaceful, and always out and about. Love me a midas blenny too! Those two angelfish may be trouble for those docile fish, as well as zoas and acans if you're planning on those. With a bigger tank, you're likely going to wish for larger fish just because of the scale of the whole thing. And if you're planning all those fish in a small quarantine at the same time, you'll likely loose more than if you just put them in your display right off the bat. Just my opinion, I know many prefer full quarantine protocol.

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5 minutes ago, Bicyclebill said:

I'd strongly suggest not putting a 6 line wrasse in that list. They are jerks, and you will never catch it to remove it. I love the melanurus wrasse. Very colorful, bigger, peaceful, and always out and about. Love me a midas blenny too! Those two angelfish may be trouble for those docile fish, as well as zoas and acans if you're planning on those. With a bigger tank, you're likely going to wish for larger fish just because of the scale of the whole thing. And if you're planning all those fish in a small quarantine at the same time, you'll likely loose more than if you just put them in your display right off the bat. Just my opinion, I know many prefer full quarantine protocol.

Yeah i had a 6 line before and your right it was a pain in the backside to catch when i had to take my other tank down. No i don't plan on getting them all at once its only a 10g tank for my qt. I was thinking of clowns and the purple firefish first and one at a time after that 

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Woot, cycle is done. Amn: 0.0 Rite: .05 Rate: 50 PH 8.2. I'll do a water change in a day or so and still leave my skimmer of just to let things run its course. Got my qt tank setup at least, just a 10g with a hob and a heater. I'm still a little fuzzy on what meds i should do or do them in an order to prevent it getting into my dp.

I'll look at ordering the clowns first then go from there.

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Sorry to ask a dumb question but I've been looking at meds to get and is this what I would use instead of the copper dosing.


Or should I do both


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Well had the day off yesterday and cleaned up the mixing station a little and ran out of parts but nothing new there.



I setup and tested out one of my doser pump an X1 and it will be pumped in this weekend to push the new water to the sump and the other will push from the tank side. I don't have an pics of the birds nest of wires that i still need to take care of under the tank but its there and should be squared away this weekend.

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Well big day picked up two clowns for the tank.

Floated them for 30 minutes and then added about an added water for another 20 minutes. One of them seems just fine was swimming a little bit but now he is hovering over his friend who is on his side. His breathing is kind of fast at times. Not sure what I should or could do. These guys are in my qt tank with 1.026 no amn. I used io bio-stater last week in it.

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