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Hi I maybe new but have been keeping freshwater planted tanks for 5+ years now. But I was always scared to make the jump to saltwater as everything seemed so much harder, but I met a friend who told me it wasn't that bad and helped me set my first tank up. Not long after that the coral bug bit me and I needed a second tank as well and so that is where I am at now. But have much to learn still and hope for some good luck to everyone.


also my messages need to be approved by a moderator every time is this normal and how long does it last?

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Welcome!  You’ll find a lot of great info here and reefers of every skill level.  Don’t hesitate to ask for advice.  And we love photos, so feel free to post some of your tanks.

I believe new users only require moderator approval for the first 10 posts.  This just helps us avoid spammers from ruining the forum.

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Also right now I have 2 55 gallon tanks and it's getting to be a little too much to maintain both of them but I am wondering if I were to consolidate both of them I guess the obvious choice would be something like 100 gallon tank but would like to avoid having to upgrade a lot of my other equipment like lights, skimmer, etc. So my question is what is the biggest I can go with the least amount of upgrades to equipment? I have 2 48" current led, Kessil 360x, vertex omega 180i, an aquamaxx skimmer that is too small for anything bigger.

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Also right now I have 2 55 gallon tanks and it's getting to be a little too much to maintain both of them but I am wondering if I were to consolidate both of them I guess the obvious choice would be something like 100 gallon tank but would like to avoid having to upgrade a lot of my other equipment like lights, skimmer, etc. So my question is what is the biggest I can go with the least amount of upgrades to equipment? I have 2 48" current led, Kessil 360x, vertex omega 180i, an aquamaxx skimmer that is too small for anything bigger.

A 90 gallon or 120 gallon would be great sizes to consider! They are both the same length of your 55's, so you should be able to still use your lighting and could always add another Kessil later if you wanted, unfortunately you would likely have to still get a skimmer that could handle a bit larger tank. Maybe you could find someone to trade you for a larger skimmer? That way you wouldn't have to buy one? Or you could sell your skimmer and use the money to buy a skimmer rated for a bit larger tank, I've done that myself. That's why now I always try to buy skimmers that can handle double the size tank I currently have just in case I do decide to upgrade (always seems to happen) but you don't want to get a skimmer that's way too oversized either. In my opinion either a 90 or 120 would be perfect, I love the size of the 90's myself especially. And welcome [emoji4] I'm curious to see what you decide! I'd definitely recommend a 90 gallon or 120Sent from my moto g(7) using Tapatalk     













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You would be just fine with a 100 gal tank and the vertex 180 skimmer. It is rated at 100 gal heavy demand. You would have to be fully stocked to be there. I think all your equipment would be just fine for another 48” tank. 90 gal are usually easy to come by and affordable. I personally always tell people that’s my favorite “beginner” size tank as they tend to have great stability and decent size overall for you to get going with some corals and medium sized fish.


its all about what you want to do, you can scale things up over time as your tank grows out.


Welcome to the site and good luck! You have any pics of your current setups to share?

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2 hours ago, Blue Z Reef said:

You would be just fine with a 100 gal tank and the vertex 180 skimmer.

I was going to mention the same thing.  Ditto on the 90 gallon as an option for the same reasons Blue Z pointed out.  Good luck and make sure to put up a build thread when you make the leap.

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