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New clam and his buddy


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So we finally found a clam we couldn't resist at CnC last weekend.  It is a good sized  tricolor gold, purple and green and seems to be setting into it's new home.  It already found a friend as our 8 inch sea cucumber decided to snuggle up to it all day to give it a squishy welcome.  As per usual, shot through the glass doesn't due this clam justice.  Shout out to Jeff for the awesome specimen @CuttleFishandCoral



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35 minutes ago, SuncrestReef said:

Wow, looks great!  Congrats.

Thanks!  I will need to get a top down with the real camera so you can actually see the colors.  Jeff had two nice ones on Sunday and some other folk in the shop bought the other as we were deciding on this one... close call!

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40 minutes ago, Higher Thinking said:

I saw that clam (same time as I saw you, I guess!). It was definitely my pick of the litter between that one and it's cousin. Beautiful contrasts of colors.

I went the cheap route and just bought one of the 3" ones emoji6.pngemoji6.png

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There were some temping ones in there as well. Probably would have brought one of those home if not for this big guy 👍

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You're killing me, I'd really like to see a better real color picture of this clam.   How about:



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12 minutes ago, obrien.david.j said:

You're killing me, I'd really like to see a better real color picture of this clam.   How about:

Come to think of it Sean, I don’t think I’ve seen a single photo from that Nikon macro lens I sold to you last year.  Still have that camera?

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2 hours ago, obrien.david.j said:

You're killing me, I'd really like to see a better real color picture of this clam.   How about:




2 hours ago, SuncrestReef said:

Come to think of it Sean, I don’t think I’ve seen a single photo from that Nikon macro lens I sold to you last year.  Still have that camera?

Yeeesh - tough crowd!  Yes, I do still have my Nikon 800E and the 60mm macro I got from you as well as the Avast - what I don't have any of these days is time!  In fact, my wife took that shot during the day while the lights were on and texted it to me so I could actually see the clam out - the lights are off by the time I get home.  Might be able to get a real shot on Saturday but that's on the list with about 100 other things I have to do so no promises 🤗

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