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Anemone stinging corals


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My bubbletip anemone has grown to about 12” and the tentacles keep stinging nearby corals. I just added a new rock to create a barrier that will hopefully save the frags. The anemone has been in this location for many months, so hopefully it won’t move.

The white rock sticks out like a sore thumb next to all the coralline covered rocks.


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Anemones tend to have an attitude of “get too close and I’ll cut you!” 

I kept one in my tank before and after it moving multiple times and killing half the livestock I was finally able to pry it out of its rock cave and find it a new home. If you search anemone you might find some of my old posts helpful about removal. 

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Yeah I'd have to agree, bta's can and will move. Any slight change can cause them to roam stinging all your expensive corals [emoji44] I personally love bta's so now I have a tank pretty much dedicated to them, but if you have a lot of expensive SPS like it looks like you do I can see how they could be more trouble than they're worth. Then you have to decide if they're worth it, they're pretty and your Clowns see it as their home but they wander at times and can kill your expensive corals so it can be a tough decision for sure. Hopefully your rock wall will keep it in check! If you do decide however to sell it at some point I'll buy it from you


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