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Zero Phosphate and zero nitrate


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Hi, I have a 120 gallon mixed reef tank. I’ve had it up and running for about six months. I am relatively new to the hobby, but reading and researching everything I can. I perform an array of water tests, every week. One thing I’ve noticed consistently is that the tests show zero nitrate and zero phosphate. Yet, I have algae so I know this cannot be true. I’ve read that coral need low levels of both nitrate and phosphate for color/growth. I was previously dosing red seas no pox daily. I have recently stopped altogether. I’ve also begun feeding heavier. I’m curious, is there likely nitrate and phosphate in the tank that the algae absorbs faster then I can pick up on the tests? Also, if I continue to “dirty” the water will it just fuel the algae growth rather then make nutrients available to the coral? Thanx in advance for the help! 

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Which test kits are you using?  Some are more accurate than others.  PO4 in particular can be tough to measure in the small quantities we shoot for, so kits like the Hanna Ultra Low Range Phosphate tester are useful.  It measures my water at 0.04 ppm, but other tests would show that as 0 ppm.

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1 hour ago, Spschampion said:

I just purchased the Red Sea phosphate rest and I use the Salifert for nitrate. Both samples stay completely clear! Which according to instructions is zero. I’m wishing I had bought the Hanna checker for phosphate now

You could check with some local shops to see if any of them have the Hanna ULR.  Maybe they could test a sample for you.

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3 hours ago, Spschampion said:

That’s a good idea! Thanx! Also I noticed you have some Acropora. How fast do the “fast” growers grow for you? I know this is kind of a loaded question but I’m curious thanx 

My fastest grower is my green slimer.  This should give you a good idea of growth rate:

Screen Shot 2018-11-02 at 2.58.57 PM-3.png

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Here's a Cali tort I received a little less than a year ago. It's purple and blue with yellow tips Was a stick about an inch or so long with one branch about a quarter inch. It has grown probably 50x original size and I've even broken pieces off on accident. This is in a very unstable 20 gallon red sea. Alk is all over and low. No clue what nitrates/phosphate are. Two different test kits for nitrate always showed 20-30. Can't read the colors on red sea phosphate kit. I've been dealing with green hair and red cyano for last couple months which seems to be slowing down.


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Not yet. I think it stung my John Deere just to the left of it but it is now healing so it may have been something else. My RBTA has been stinging my red planet at the top. Now it's stinging my blue Stylo since I gave my huge finger leather/rock to another member. The leather used to block the rbta from stinging it. It's also now stinging my blastoma 🤬 I have too much random everything for a 20 gallon. I am thinking of fragging my Cali tort as it's getting too big. 

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I wish I had a before of the Cali tort. It was about the size of suncrests slimmer in the beginning except it was like the right branch only. What's really weird is it's just about the only sps I can get to grow besides a pink bird'snest that's not shown, and my red planet.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I’ve been wanting a frag of the Tierra Del Fuego. Haven’t seen any available yet! I think the fastest growing acro I have so far is the RMF Superman stag. It’s encrusting the putty really quickly! I’ve been reading that many acros encrust first then start to grow vertically/horizontally? 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/13/2019 at 10:50 AM, Spschampion said:

I’ve been wanting a frag of the Tierra Del Fuego. Haven’t seen any available yet! I think the fastest growing acro I have so far is the RMF Superman stag. It’s encrusting the putty really quickly! I’ve been reading that many acros encrust first then start to grow vertically/horizontally? 

If you want a frag of Tierra Del Fuego I have plenty. Just send me a dm

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