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February Pics from PDXmonkeyboys Meeting


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Hot Dam!!! The February meeting at PDXMonkeyboys house was a good one, Brian opened up his home to the club for one helluva PNWMAS gathering and Frag Swap. Brian and his wife have a beautiful home, some stellar fish tanks, and made for a knowledgeable and hilarious hosts.


When I got to see the well thought of aquariums and life support systems I was very impressed, this guy has got his systems pretty dialed in.


Here I included a picture of his vibrant African Cichlid tank, it was also a well put together biotope that made me reconsider getting back into that part of the hobby again....If I didn't already have south Americans I would be on the Lake Tanganyika fish hunt right now.


Speaking of those South Americans! Jaggy here was the star fish in his own South American Cichlid tank. I had to squeeze a picture of this guy in because he had so  much character. That's what I love about those cichlids, so much personality there.


Speaking of personalities, here we have the host with the most, PDXMonkeyboy. So kind of you to have us all over, and thank yo so much for the frags! From what I heard you were cutting club members killer deals left and right just sharing the love. Not to mention you had quite a bit of insight on the salt water hobby.


A shout out to our own OptimusPrime, this guy is a hoot! I am hoping next time I head north I can stop by your pad to say whats up, hang out, and see your setup man. You know I am always down to talk reef.


And now look who we have here. Left we have  BicycleBil, middle is Mark, and to the right enjoying the front row aquarium view is Albertareef. All these guys are seasoned and experienced reefers who are great to have a chat with and make for good company.


In this picture we have starting clockwise from the left is, Gill&Fin talking with Willapa, PDXMonkeyboy, and SunCrestReef. Another circle of intelligent reef minded peoples, so many good conversations and so little time.


This time we will start counter clock wise and go from Brian on the far right, middle is MarvkV again, center left is Our ex Prez Stylaster, and the far left is one of our BOD members Lewisfisherman.


And we can't forget about another of our outstanding BOD Members Gumby center. A few folks made their way down from Washington for the event which I think is very cool,  I know all about making a long drive just to hang out with other fellow hobbyist..Let me tell you, these two guys are worth a drive to hang out with.


Gill&Fin and DarkAngel enjoying the meet and greet atmosphere, it is nice to see so many smiling friendly faces here. Scenes like this become almost contagious.


Sharklover made an appearance as well, sounds like I need to head your way when I am in that neck of the woods again. Always seems like you have a cool project going on and I want to hear more about it.

Meanwhile, in the basement....


Just look at this setup for his sump area! It is located bellow his display tank upstairs. Everything is in its right place and easily accessible. So Jealous of this efficient setup. I will have to take some notes for sure.


And his frag tank...It was packed full of healthy colorful corals and I could't leave without snagging a couple frags to take home. Thank You sir may I have another!?


Jeff from Cuttlefish and Corals on the left and Lewisfisherman on the right of the massive RODI and water mixing station.


Snappy having a good time and picking up some nice coral frags. Thanks for the TFT purchases man, everything helps.


Now here is a group of happy faces getting their frag on! Going clockwise again from far left we have our PNWMAS treasurer Jeremevans, BOD Albertareef, Brian, Willapa, BicycleBil, PDXMonkeyboy, and ZorroReef.


In addition to the frag tank that PDXMonkeyboy had in his basement, he was kind enough to let the club use his coral QT for a Tanks For Teachers sale. We took donations from myself and other fellow hobbyists and sold them for proceeds to the TFT program! We pulled in a nice chunk of change thanks to the participants, you know who you are and we love you all. And we still have a number of pieces that we can work into a future TFT sale for sure.

Finally, I would like to take a moment to thank all of those responsible for making the event a complete success!

PDXMonkeyboy for being such a fantastic host and being generous with his time, corals, and knowledge.

Our outstanding PNWMAS Board of Directors and Officers who work behind the scenes to bring you the forum and events that make us the reefing presence that we are.

and lastly but not leastly, our PNWMAS club members as a whole...To whom without, there would not be the same local camaraderie that we get from sharing this group. 

Thank You All!!!

Reef On!!!

And PS, I was all over the place and was unable to get photos of everyone so all apologies if I missed your shot in the thread. If anyone has some pics to add to the this one that would be great. There was a good crowd for sure.

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Great recap as always Bert. Nice to see all knowledgeable and dedicated reefers that came out for this event. Was awesome to have Brian share his home and killer tanks with the group and make some cash for TFT in the process. Several people were very generous with their contributions ( Bert, Jeremy, Jim, et.al.) and that was greatly appreciated. A couple of members scored some fantastic frags in the raffle as well - including our own @Gil&Fin Holly who walked away with the hand picked @badxgillen special high end pack!  We also had @SuncrestReef bring along his very nice macro lens to get some crazy closeup shots of our host’s impressive coral collection - good stuff for sure (ok, so I’m a little envious of both).  

Thanks everyone who helped out this together and came out to enjoy the fun. 

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