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Shout out to some special members!

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The May Meeting is over but I wanted to acknowledge some great members and sponsors !


@goldenbasketreef for being such a gracious host and taking the time to share your expertise on sps. Thanks for all the great coral donations as well as pitching in for the grand prize and getting the lights. I wanted those.

@Sirena for helping with signs , running around the day before to get the slushie machine , spending hours planning and prepping the food and setting up.

@spectra for all your time as well with providing the food. You two could go in business together catering. Totally professional job!

@badxgillen for preparing for the talk and always being my go to guy for helping to clean up.

@albertareef for bringing the sound system and always stepping in wherever help is needed.

@lewisriverfisherman for stepping up and helping with directing parking without being asked. 

@Gil&Fin for taking charge of the group buys , dropping off all the tables and also in general just stepping up where you are needed.

@eclipse522 for getting there early and helping me set up the raffles. The cookies were delicious !

@Exodus @R-3 and all the other members who stuck around and helped us clean up and pack every thing back up. Sorry I didn’t catch everyone who helped it was a big blur of hard working people ! Also sorry for those I forgot to mention there were so many of you offering to help !

Thanks to these sponsors for also donating raffle items!  Think of these companies when you purchase because without them the club would not be as successful:

Red Sea

@marine depot 




It has been a great run and I know Stylaster will do a great job taking on the president role next year! It’s been a great run!



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Thanks for organizing Kim!  That was another fantastic, fun, informative meeting that took a lot of work to put together so kudos to you, Sirena, Scott, Bert, Holly and Rudy (and anyone else I forgot) for all your work on this one.  Sorry I was late to the party 🙁but you all had it well in hand!  The last couple of meetings have set a pretty high bar for the club but I'm sure the new set of officers and board members will do their best to keep things rolling.  It is still hard to believe, however, that you won't be there to keep us on on task.  Thanks again for everything you have done for the club as President - you have most definitely set the tone for engaged and committed leadership and left us in great position for success in the future.  Hopefully you will come back with renewed energy and enthusiasm when life permits.



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