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Read lots of forums and groups info. Nothing in this hobby happens fast take your time, don't impulse buy anything with out looking it up first. ask lots of questions no matter how small, more water volume the better when new in the hobby, buy good equipment doesn't have to be the best or most expensive. use rodi water as a rule. Water changes are uber important for new hobbyist.

Edited by Huntero1975
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As Huntero said above - patience is key as (usually) nothing good happens fast in this hobby.  You can learn a lot by just reading through various threads on the forum that peak your interest - there are a lot of really experienced and successful reef keepers that hang out here so you should definitely take advantage.  It is a good idea to have thought through what kind of livestock you want to have as some fish and coral combos may not work well together and the type of coral you decide to keep will impact equipment and maintenance paradigms so best to know where you think you might be headed before hand.  That said, most reefers end up changing their minds fairly often :D  Good luck and enjoy the journey!

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i would google reef chemistry and find randy holmes farleys articles. Water chemistry can be daunting so you need to make a considerable effort to understand what is going on in the tank. I spent hours reading about water chemistry with a notebook at hand.

It will really help out when you start and prevent panicking. Good things to know:

1. Rodi setups and how to mix saltwater.
2. proper methods for various test kits.
3. the nitrogen cycle.
4. phosphate and nitrate and management methods.
5. how to control algae.
6. where to find $3,000 for a reef tank. lol

and lastly, never ever never take advice from facebook :).

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

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Welcome! What type of tank you want? Fowlr (fish only with live rock) or reef? 

What type of coral you want to keep if you want a reef tank? Some corals like a little dirty water but let me tell you something. Everything everyone told ya is important, especially water changes.


Invest in good salt and do water changes. Oh and quarantine your fish!

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My advice would be Patience & Stability are the keys to success, Never let anyone tell you your doing it wrong, everyone paves their own way to success. Research "Everything" before purchasing, and whatever you do don't get caught up in the "Marketing Frenzy" that shrouds the hobby, People have been sustaining gorgeous successful reef tanks long before many of the big companies today have been around. No single product will bring you success, but rather good husbandry. Good Luck.

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