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Thank you Veterans


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Yes thank you everyone who has put their life aside to protect our liberties. I would like to share a little story of what I was able to participate in this year. For veterans day the body shop that I manage had the pleasure of donating a 2015 Subaru Crosstrek to a veteran through Progressive Insurance Keys To Progress program. The program Progressive runs is amazing, they give a car, usually a theft recovery that was missing fo over 30 days, to one of the shops that they work directly with and the shop coordinates restoring the car to like new again. The car we received this year was in pretty rough shape, entire inside had been vandalized during the theft and the outside was coverd in dents and scratches like it had been driven through the woods. I was able to get some parts donated, and the parts i was unable to get donated were sold to us at very heavily discounted prices by vendors. This is the third time in four years we have had the pleasure of doing this and the second time I have managed the entire process. This year the car we reconditioned went to a vet named Lisa King who served 5 years in the army and spent time in Kuwait. She is also a co founder of VFRC, Veterans and Family Resource Center of Oregon, which is an organization who helps vets get the services they are owed. Lis also donates time to the Oregon Food Bank in their Learning Gardens program.  Before receiving this Subaru she had been commuting via scooter uear round and recently her scoother had been stolen. Lisa has put others before herself constantly and she truly deserved a reliable mode of transportation. 



from left to right Ken Kraft is the local guy for the VFW who helps the Keys To Progress program. Quy, Dustin, Tran and his wife Lien Tran are the owners of our shop. Myself, Andy Zinda, manager of shop.  Melinda Zinda secretary and assistant manager of the shop, also my mom.  Robbert Colclesser my grandpa who served in the Korean war joind us for the day.



Me giving a speech, hate public speaking but didnt pass out. 



Lisa King is truly the one to honor here she is the lady in the gray sweater standing at the drivers door.  

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