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WTR: Any light system for SPS


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As some members know I have been having an ongoing issue with my LED lighting system. It has finally reached a point that I have to mail the whole set up back to the manufacturer. This is going to leave my tank dark for at least a week(happened last time I had it done). My tank is full of SPS and anenomes. If they are dark that long I can expect to loose some, and have a lot of browning. It took 6 months to bring the color back last time. 

I am reaching out to anyone who can help me. If you have a lighting system that can keep my beloved animals alive, I will pay or give you mutliple frags. Currently in my tank is Blue digi, forest fire digi, 3 different tri-colors, multiple millies, 3 different monti caps, encrusting corals, 4 RBA and 1 GBA. There are a few others that I probably missed. 



Please help me if you can, I will be forever grateful. 



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I have a pair of 400 watt metal halides with dual ballast I'm not using. 20k radiums n them last I recall. They are "naked" reflectors that were mounted in a canopy so you would need to figure out a way to mount them but they will definitely keep SPS alive!  Let me know. 

Edited by albertareef
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2 minutes ago, albertareef said:

I have a pair of 400 watt metal halides with dual ballast I'm not using. 20k radius in them last I recall. They are "naked" reflectors that were mounted in a canopy so you would need to figure out a way to mount them but they will definitely keep SPS alive!  Let me know. 


I already have multiple mounts in the ceiling for my led's. I'll send you my phone number and we can discuss if it will work. 


Once again I thank you enough for helping me. 

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I have a 8x24w Powermodule if you are interested.

Also, if you could get your hands on a D120 or other "chinese black box", that should keep a tank that size doing fine until you get your normal lights back.

Your might be wise to get a PAR meter and at least attempt to to match lighting intensity when you make the swap.

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You still dealing with that mess?? Sorry bro.. You should pick up my current 24" mh/t5. Like new bulbs. Shouldn't have trouble keeping anything alive!

Having the same problem again but worse this time. Thought I had it fixed after breaking it all down and soldering all connection. The blue channel was perfect until today. Came home to find the channel completely dead again. Decided it's best to just pay to overnight it to him again.

Definitely will not suggest a custom setup from him to anyone. This is going on a year of head aches. I just hope he makes it right this time.

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