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Return pump failure


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My return pump just went out and can't get it to restart.




Anybody have a DC12000 for sale or a loaner?







Okay, so after going back in there sitting down getting ready to pull my heater from the sump the return just all of a sudden kicked back on. Not sure how long it will last though. Strangely enough i was just looking at the flow pattern of coralline growing in my baffles and thinking to myself i should probably pull the return and give it a vinegar bath.


It appears the pump won't maintain speed/flow sending my bean animal and skimmer haywire.

Edited by ChrisQ
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Remove the impeller and check the ceramic bearing, it's more than likely sticking and causing it to lock up. I've had them stick so hard it took a lot to remove them. Get some sand paper out and wet sand the ceramic shaft and inside the bearing. Don't worry, you won't remove any ceramic, it will just clean any buildup off. Sometimes if you get them going again after sticking they are just spinning in the rubber seal around the bearing and not the actual bearing itself, causing the pump to run weird like you're experiencing. Hope that helps! Stop running it asap as you don't want to overload the motor or electronics (Jabaos weakness).




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Wow! That thing was dirty. Looks like i have a different bearing housing than yours, mine is a flat round black disk with 3 tabs to hold it in place. I wish i would have taken pics but was anxious to get it put back together and up and running again.


I soaked the whole pump in vinegar for about 2 hrs and by the time i disassembled the pump, the bearing on the impeller spun freely.


So far so good, it wasn't looking too good this morning when i first posted mainly because of the tied in frag tray that houses pond baskets for my nems.

Having a return go down is one thing, just put a heater in the display and work the problem, but when a frag tank shares the same return pump things can get complicated fast.


Time to invest in a spare pump!

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Here we go again


Same situation, this time I took the impeller apart and sanded both shaft and housing. Lasted about 5 min took it apart again and now only moves about a 1/4 inch on startup then stops.


Soaking impeller in a cup of 100% vinegar now out of shear desperation.

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