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My weight loss story


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You look amazing Kim, I am SO SO HAPPY for you! You are an inspiration to lots of people!!! WTG girl! Though I still hope my bucs beat your boys this weekend:)


Thanks so much Issac I feel great too as I'm munching on some carrots right now! :) nice to see you still lurking on here even with the transition of a move and taking your tank down!


I am confident the Cowboys will win as I will be at that game in person rooting for them and that's all they really needed. 


all the corals I got from your tank are doing well and will be happy to pass some along back to you when you're ready!


It's funny looking at some of the earlier pictures! I am a little bit crazy. When I was running at a heavier weight I would get stress fractures in my feet (no wonder, that was a lot to ask my body to do) but I kept running anyway and my body healed.

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This is amazing and so inspiring!


I have been doing good on exercise for a couple of years, but that is not enough.  Need to get the healthy eating thing going and do both at once. 


Love your running experience.  I pretty much could not run two years ago.  Last week I hit the 9 minute mile, the dream is 8 minutes and I hope to hit it in Q1 next year.


Can totally relate to the damage too, I was benched by the doctor for a week due to fluid around the knee.  Guess I have been beating myself up too....

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Kudos to you ninjabeaver!! 50 pounds is quite the milestone. Plateaus do suck but you can take heart in the fact that average weight gain can be like 8 to 10 pounds per year depending on your age so you're ahead of the game!!


Nice work Jeremy on your 8 minute mile goal! I usually go for distance but I can do ten minutes on my last mile but takes everything out of me. Reason number 1000 why I'm eating healthier and exercising ..: check out the anowpacolypse !!????

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Go, Kim! Every time I see you now, I'm amazed at how much smaller you are than the last time I saw you. You're sweating your butt off - literally!

Thanks a Cherany! I haven't shrunk anymore in since August and just on maintain mode until January for that final push!


Funny you mention sweating my butt off, you should see the Facebook video where I wring massve amounts of sweat from my sweatband. It's gross but gratifying !



Thanks all for the kind words!

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You look great.

Thanks !! Good to see you posting on here! It's been s while!


The nice thing about running is that you can do it anywhere. I am in a hotel in Dallas by the airport. I prefer running outside to a boring treadmill so I thought I would check out the jogging path that the signs pointed to.


The jogging "path" was just the top floor of the parking garage that thug expected you to run around. ????


I thought of aborting the mission and heading to the treadmill but I was committed ! I tried To go out but there was no safe running. Our hotel is literally at the airport in a terminal. It's nice but one of the risks of using Hotwire is you don't know your exact location until you buy!


I love to gamble what can I say?????


Here is my 7 mile parking garage run! ???? Sirena thinks it looks like s fetus.????




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