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Thinking about adding a Wrasse. Inputs?


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I have a Christmas wrasse that has been very well behaved. She irritates me a lot though because she sleeps in the sand and flings substrate all over coral and rocks when she digs. I love her but would not get another.


Then we have a blue sided fairy wrasse who is as sweet as can be. Not a burrowing species so she sleeps in the rocks. Doesn't pick on anything and is a very social fish.

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Unfortunately for pest control most of the melenarus type wrasse are hit or miss with inverts. I have a yellow corris that will pick at and kill any clam I try to put in the tank but never bother my hermits or shrimp. Snails are his favorite though, I have a few large old snails left, they must be the wise ones lol. Mine also sleeps in the sand, and like mentioned, makes a mess with the digging. They are great pest eaters though and most are very pretty.

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  • 2 months later...

Any leopards are amazing if you have a sand bed, 4 lines are beautiful but can get mean with other wrasse, same with 6, rhomboiuds are awesome :) male flame wrasse are nice, depends on the amount you wanna spend, leopards have zero aggression, basically the whole family which includes potters etc...


Mystery wrasse are a good one, but can be a little mean against other wrasse of the same general shape.


I always liked the Soloriensis Fairy Wrasse is a fav of mine and usually very docile.


Most wrasses will not bother other fish really. It's getting them to play nice with other wrasses than can be the issue. the last 75 I ran was heavy into wrasses. 3 blue star, 4 line, mystery,  soloriensis, small 6 line, and probably another 1 or 2 I cant think of at the moment. They leopards never bothered anyone, but the mystery and 4 line could be mean towards the soloriensis, but it was big enough to where they didnt bug him too much. 


Avoid bigger wrasses as they become less reef safe. I rememebr one day after adding my 6" radiant wrasse that my cleaner shrimp had become very reclusive. A few days later I see him swimming around with cleaner shrimp antenna sticking about a inch out of his mouth lol. To the sump he went.

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I'm also looking at adding a wrasse to my tank to keep flatworms out.. Just not sure what I want I'm leaning towards a yellow corgis wrasse. I will just move my snails to the other tank.

My big snails have survived, big turbos and Tongan, hermits have learned to hide mostly during the day. My melanarus is always on patrol.



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I have a leopard wrasse and it is a snail killer. I am not a fan of him digging out his den in the sand then have mounds of shells at the entrance.

I want a male leopard. Is yours the regular one or a fancy type like bluestar or choates?



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  • 2 months later...
On September 28, 2016 at 4:45 PM, katarian said:

My wife and I are thinking about adding a new fish to our 55 gallon tank. Right now we have 1 chromis, 2 Ocellaris Clowns, 2 peppermint Shrimp, a RBTA, and some CUC. And some softies.

We were thinking about some sort of wrasse, something that's not aggressive. One of the reasons we were thinking about Wrasse is because they eat pests, including bristle worm (I just have a huge population of them inside the tank, some of them are around 10inch long, and need something that will keep their population in check and not just completely eradicate them.


But we are pretty open about other fishes too. So I'd love to get some input from you all experienced reefers.


And something on the cheaper side please. Maybe around $30 at most. I'm not risking buying something expensive right now that might end up dying, as the tank is pretty new.


Thank you :)


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I would have suggested a harlequin tusk if you weren't so sold on the melanarius.


but now that I think about it the harlequin tusk is no cheap fish ?

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