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August Meeting Pictures!!


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Thanks everyone for coming! It was a great turnout. I would say at least a good 30 to 40 people there! 

I'm sure Bert will have some even better pictures as he took many but wanted to get some posted up too!


Thanks Sirena for cooking all those wonderful ribs. 

Thanks Bert for all the great pictures and being the keeper of the corals!

Thanks to the sponsors for all the great prizes!

Thanks Holly for being the first one here and the last one to leave to help out and for the frag rack!

Thanks to all of you who brought food we had quite a spread!

Thanks Softy, Kknight for helping out too!


Thanks to all of the members new and old and alike! It was a pleasure to meet you all! I wished that I was not pulled a million directions yesterday so I could have spent more time getting to know you all!




First off here is a picture of Sirena working hard early in the morning getting some good food prepared! She made the stuffed peppers, ribs, bacon and the little lettuce wedges that I love!












Thanks again to our sponsors for all the great prizes! ALso thank you Macna for the 2 free passe and BRS for the supporting member only prize an RO/DI system!







The seahorse tank was a hit! Also check out the custom made rib rack that Graham aka G2theram had a friend of us build for us! It worked amazingly! Thanks again!






That's milemiles enjoying the delicious ribs! MMMM so good!








MrBret also making a bline for the ribs! :)








Did I mention the ribs were good? That's Vance new member! Nice to meet you moving so fast to get those ribs he is blurry! :) Kknight front and center too enjoying some ribs! 



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There was quite a spread of food! It was nice to see all the young reefers around too!





That's Troy aka Fishboys! Thanks for all of your genorisity! He bid the 300 dollars for the TFT pack and donated back the Macna pass! I also found out that his pokerstar monti that is in my tank via Cuttlefish came from him! Nice piece sir!





That's Bobby holding the baby. I love that the baby has a name tag too! :) Talkalot is on the left. I hope and Sam is in the background. They brought a lot of food including the shrimp and the delicous brats (sausages not kids... ;) ) Nice to meet both of you. I hope to see you Sam and Bobby! Talkalot went through a lot to get here from Springfield! Glad you made it!





Did I mention there were a lot of kids? There is Holly talking to Dave (I think that's your name. I hope I didn't mess it up.. :)





It was standing room only. Ran out of seating areas so we had to make do with makeshift sitting areas!







There is Holly again..(she gets around) talking to Lovesalt and Andrew (Higher Thinking) in the background. I was glad to finally meet your wife too! Sirena also enjoyed talking to you. Sasquatch is in the background there so tall that my light is blocking his face LOL. His corn casserole is legendary by the way! Can't say I ever have that problem. Daniel Lu is on the right! I hope you enjoy the ribs I sent you with! :)





I actually did not get many pictures of my tank but you can see that my Red Sea Reefer does exist! :) It's difficult to have a large group of people around it because it's in the bedroom but love having it there!






That's all I have for pictures! Wish I had more and like I said wish I could have spent more time with each and every one of you but as the host you get pulled in a bunch of different directions! :) Thanks again everyone who showed up! It was a blast!


Bert has some more pictures coming but photobucket is being difficult right now which I can attest to myself!

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Looks like fun guys, I tried to get myself into the truck my just couldn't get myself up there. We gonna drive all with my left foot but can't put weight on my right side yet.... (And Jorge was too lazy to come get me) just joking lol. But Troy did volunteer so thanks for that, just no ride home. Hope to catch the next one though

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Looks like fun guys, I tried to get myself into the truck my just couldn't get myself up there. We gonna drive all with my left foot but can't put weight on my right side yet.... (And Jorge was too lazy to come get me) just joking lol. But Troy did volunteer so thanks for that, just no ride home. Hope to catch the next one though


I was wondering how you were going to get there with a broken leg!  That's dedication trying to drive with one leg!  Jorge missed out on the stuffed peppers that SIrena made again just for him! We missed you Jorge!

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Looks like fun guys, I tried to get myself into the truck my just couldn't get myself up there. We gonna drive all with my left foot but can't put weight on my right side yet.... (And Jorge was too lazy to come get me) just joking lol. But Troy did volunteer so thanks for that, just no ride home. Hope to catch the next one though

I missed it too brother. I said if Brian can't come than its not fair I have all the fun.. So I stayed home!

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My wife and I had a lot of fun and it was nice to meet a lot of you!  Thank you Kim and Sirena for having us.  We really felt welcomed and comfortable.  Looking forward to future meetings and glad to be a part of this community.


I'm so glad! It was nice to meet you too!

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My wife and I had a lot of fun and it was nice to meet a lot of you!  Thank you Kim and Sirena for having us.  We really felt welcomed and comfortable.  Looking forward to future meetings and glad to be a part of this community.


I second all of that!  Great to meet you and your wife as well.

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That's a Great picture of me hahahaha!! My wife and I had an amazing time. Emerald your tank and home are beautiful. The food was amazing and everyone was so friendly and welcoming we truly are great full to have joined such a great group. And we even made out with a sweet rodi system! Which is a great head start on our future reef! Thanks again looking forward to the next meeting!

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That's a Great picture of me hahahaha!! My wife and I had an amazing time. Emerald your tank and home are beautiful. The food was amazing and everyone was so friendly and welcoming we truly are great full to have joined such a great group. And we even made out with a sweet rodi system! Which is a great head start on our future reef! Thanks again looking forward to the next meeting!

That was an awesome score. You guys made out well. It was nice to meet you both.

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Well it looks like Kim pretty much covered the party here, I would normally post more but I don't want to be too redundant, and most of my photos are of the same people above just in different rooms. I do have a number of pictures but to avoid cluttering the thread I will stick to people winning the raffles and some of the people who made cameos.


And yes, Photobucket had me cursing up a storm but thats not too abnormal right?




The new seahorse tank Emerald has setup, pretty sleek setup here, would fit well on a dresser as well as the counter top. It even has a camera at the base to check up on those little seahorses night and day at home or away.




New member Reefmaster here made a killing at the coral frag raffle. Take good care of em man, maybe I will come in and check em out next time I am out by Ocean in a Box.




youcallmenny made the trip to the BBQ. It was good meeting you, awesome to see new members making it out to our getogethers. The more the merrier.




Lovessalt made an appearance, unfortunately I did not get the chance to chat with you, hope you attend the next meeting and I can get some new frags for that tank rebuild of yours.




Its always good to see Danlu here, always ready to talk reef tank and share his experiences in aquarium keeping innovations.




Lexinverts fought off the traffic to get to the shindig, bringing a cooler with more good food for the feast. Hope you found that gorgonian you were looking for, Jeff would be a good start in tracking one down.




KKnight a spearhead in our Tank For Teachers program, putting smiles on countless kids faces. Collaborating with some of our sponsors she really helps get things done.




Higher Thinking, Whats Up Homey! We will all be seeing you next month my man! Meeting at your pad right!?




Albertareef surprised to win a Upscales Gift Certificate! I am sure you will be putting that to good use, I have always enjoyed going into that store and never fail to find something I need.




And here we have that Badxgillen taking home a Golden Basket certificate! I know Kim, don't be jealous...I will make sure to share the love once things grow out some, thats the way I roll.




Here Miles takes home the other Golden Basket prize! Lets roll out there together and say whats up to Rudy. He will have what ales your coral needs.



Badxgillen again! Looks like I don't have to pay for next years subscription. Awesome magazine folks, with very little of the needless basics other magazines have as filler. Always on he newest reef frontier these magazines cover new species\morphs, sustainable practices\aquaculture, and world renown successful systems specs...Good stuff.




ROBIN won the Premium Aquarium certificate for their next Salem run. Might have even had time to stop in after the BBQ since they didn't close until 7PM even on Sunday. Another place to find all the fish,inverts, and corals you could need. They have been stocking some fine equipment these days too.




I had to pick this pic out of many as I love Kims excited face. MOLOKOS!! Drinks on me!!! Just kidding, Molokos has more than just drinks, I had a pretty good panini there while ordering a couple frags from his reef tanks...Not sure where else I can do that in Portland.




This is another one that was humorous. Nanoreefer snagged the Ocean In a Box certificates. Guess you will need to break that camera out once you find what your looking for over there. Its just over the bridge really so not too far off the Portlanders path really. Good stuff there too, tanks are chalked full of corals and fish of all colors.




Sasquatch making the draw for the Seahorse Aquarium Supply!..Who could it be!?








Gil&Fin! Seahorse is another fine sponsor from way back located in Portland. They have recently relocated to North East Russet Street and have restocked the store with beautiful fish an inverts. Let us know what you find Holly.




Mr Bret about to make the MACNA tickets raffle drawing. 




Emerald pointing to Sirena to get the winning ticket, MACNA is about to be drawn!




Sirena is ready to hear her number called but...




Its Fishboy Troy that takes one home!!! This guy is one generous dude. He is also the one who was the highest bidder in our recent Tank For Teachers auction bringing in $300 for the children program. A Shout Out to Troy! Thanks man...But wait there is one more ticket here.




And BAM!!! Emerald and Sirena get the win! MACNA here they come! Get those camera batteries charged and the extra memory card ready because we expect alot of pictures. Congratulations, I know you wanted that one.




Now who wants some coral frags!? Holly finished with some very nice frags for the raffles but thats were I had to get to the tank and do some bagging making my camera hands occupied so not many pictures of the coral winners.




Talkalot had a winning ticket in the coral drawings and pulled a name brand coral or two...Was it the bambam colony? Those are lookers for sure.




Last but not least on the raffles was the Members Only entry for the Bulk Reef Supply RODI unit. And how perfect for it to go to some one who is just on the brink of setting up there large salt water aquarium in their soon to be house but Vance. A good way to get things started off right is with good water and equipment. Most of BRS equipment is pretty solid and replacements\refills are easy to acquire and rather affordable. This 75 GPD unit should do you right.


All in all it was another wonderfully successful meeting with tons of old faces and new faces to add, enormous amounts of food, and plenty of raffle prizes to be won.


Thanks Kim for opening up your home to us all, Thanks Sirena for tackling all that prep and cooking, Thanks to our sponsors for making the raffle such a hit, and finally thank you to all the PNWMAS crew for making these things possible.


I know I say it often but its true.


It takes a team to make anything happen here and this is one fine team, happy to be part of the PNWMAS Crew.


Thank You Everyone!

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Love love love love your pictures Bert! I know that took some time as I struggled with photobucket too! Hopefully that will get better with the new upgrade!  I'm sure your pictures were better so next time I will just wait for you to load yours up!


Love the concentrated look on Sirena's face willing those Macna passes! 


Special thanks to Fishboys as well who donated his Macna pass back and I'm going to buy his and have it go to the club! He's a very humble but incredibly generous guy!


Next meeting will be September 24 at Higher Thinking's place in Scappoose. Thanks Andrew for agreeing to host last minute! There will be lots of great food and prizes as there too!

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It looks like she is about to say, I bet I know who wants in on this here coral raffle?.. Or, who want some exquisite frags?

If she doesn't like this picture I have plenty of others that would suffice and can very easily amend things here, but I really like that one.

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Ha ha! I think I was about to sneeze. Or yawn. I can't tell.


Bert--no more pictures of Holly! I seem to have gotten my face (or back or butt or leg...) into at least half the pictures.


It was a great meeting. Thanks Bert, for taking all these pictures and for the great write ups, as usual.


Sent from my SM-G928P using Tapatalk

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