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Official Cuttlefish and Corals Grow Out Competition 2015 Entry Thread

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When is the cut off for posting pictures Robert? I'm proud to say mine is still alive but color is not great. I suspect I don't have the stability of alk as I do not dose and only do 4 gallon water changes weekly BUT it is still alive!!!

I think it would be April 14--7 days within the 7th of the month, when the grow out started.

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Well I don't have any tips for this one, my acro has a few but not me. This tenuis seems to want to lay down a  bit of a foot before it rises, but from the looks of some of the other folks on here it does like to branch and will most like retain the compact growth style the original had. Still waiting to see the colors that have developed form the other in the competition. Lighting can have a big influence here.




Here is mine at just shy of 1 inch, I know not the winner but it definitely grew some and is a mighty fine coral regardless. I am still confident that once it does have a full base put down it will really take off. Whats kinda funny is in the very same tank there are other acro species that have grown well over an inch in the four months of this comp but this one seems to just be saving his strength...Or something.


My total growth was just under half an inch or .4"  YAY!!!


And remember, Tomorrow is the deadline for posting up your final report so break out the camera tonight and snag that picture.

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Yes Sir, midnight tomorrow will be the technical deadline.


Here are some amateur photos of a couple of prizes...




Acropora ORA Borealis




 a piece of blue valley closed brain.


Did any one come up with a good nick name in hope they would win!?

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I love that the 4 gallon a week water change with no testing made it.


I know I would of killed mine, without a doubt.  I do want in on the next acro grow out so I can prove to you all that I am capable of killing an acro frag at least as fast as the fastest person here. I am that confident in my abilities.

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Hoping some last minute contestants will chime in before we declare the winner, and maybe a few more good names to add to the mix.


So far I have heard...


C&C Melted Snowman Tenuis,

C&C Emerald City Tenuis,

C&C Blue Boy Tenuis, 

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 At first I thought I might actually have a chance at this but I noticed Andy did the same thing I did in his entree photo and had the ruler up a little high, about 2+ Centimeters, making him the clear winner!


Congratulations Lexinverts!!!

You took first place along with all its fame and fortune!

How does it feel to come out on top?


A Big Thank You to all who participated, it takes a group to make these things fun as well as educational, fortunately we have a great group here.
And Thank You Cuttle Fish and Corals.Jeff sure knows how to pick em doesn't he. Be sure when my little guy gets a few branches I will see about getting some of this coral redistributed to the original contestants that wanted another shot at this beauty. 
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I think it was pretty close between Robert and me, growth-wise. I have seen frags that I give him grow tremendous amounts in a few months in the same tank that Robert had his grow-out frag in, so I am really surprised that I came out on top. I think I had an advantage at the outset over some of the others, including Robert, because my frag had a few branches, and this coral seems to like to be sufficiently spread out before it starts growing skyward.


Thanks a bunch to Robert and Jeff for making this grow-out happen. I had a blast, and I can't wait to sign up for the next one!


My 8-yr-old suggested that I post the following in honor of our C&C Melted Snowman Tenuis :D



Edited by Lexinverts
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