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Hi Everyone,


Just was curious as to how often people will check there phosphates? what levels they usually run at?


The reason for this discussion is I have been watching bulkreefsupply videos on youtube about a conference from last year and saw some beautiful tanks and people were saying they had phosphate levels of like 1.1 and .9 which most of us would consider high levels. So just wanted to see what peoples opinions are about having elevated phosphate levels, I know in some instances it will cause algae growth, but has anyone had any experience where it has actually helped with SPS growth? the tanks they were showing saying they had higher phosphate levels were mostly SPS and doing amazing.

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I dont think it really comes down to a number. Whats more important is being in tune with your tank and being able to identify when your corals arentvhappy. I rarely even check my phosphates any more.


While I haven't checked mine in over 8 months, I do think the numbers can be used for a reference base. When my tank is really thriving well I test my tank, I've always used those numbers as a baseline for my personal system to know where it excels. 


Guess I see testing kinda backwards than most...

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