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Paratore's Frag Tank Build


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm still loving that shortcake SPS. I wish I lived at home to do something cool like a frag tank. There are zero fish stores in North Idaho (Petco doesn't count) so doing something like this would be sweet to spread reef options up there



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You should totally try setting one up when you're done with school then! If you get enough frags you can even start selling them to help cover the costs of doing this hobby haha.



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Looking good man!! I am also a fan of those style frag racks. We ended up getting the Synergy version of those guys.


They are super nice frag racks but I need about 3 more sets haha! Been tempted to try and build my own acrylic racks. Maybe I'll give that a shot over spring break...



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You should totally try setting one up when you're done with school then! If you get enough frags you can even start selling them to help cover the costs of doing this hobby haha.



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The thing is getting there lol. Gotta buy everything for the frag system and being in college is well not helpful as you know.



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Yeah that's been the struggle for me also. Luckily my dad also enjoys reefing so I can talk him into splitting costs with me. And if you are patient and surf craigslist and this forum you'll find awesome deals that help cut down costs :)



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Here are the newest additions to the team. Red Spackled Krakatoas(aka Askraks) with solid lineage. Picked them up from Jase (Jadams7) last night and so far I love them! They are crazy bright. They aren't super happy but don't look to bad for only being in my tank for about 12 hours. :) fingers crossed that they don't melt....it's always the expensive ones that melt....

Here is a quick picture I took with my phone before I headed back to OSU...sorry for the horrible quality, I was just so excited :)3b0fd52a874ba61bf58f3ec19bec319e.jpg



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  • 2 weeks later...

Broke it the camera again yesterday to try and work on my photography skills:) photos are a little blue...still working on the white balance....

Corals seem to be doing well though! :)

First on is the newest member of the crew...Red Spackles (aka Askraks)


And some Utter Chaos...working on getting black back in it.....55355c77c08d52bee37825068a7e1076.jpg


Some SPS


And LPS....d9f0e3fa603f56a30ad2edb765c4f2e5.jpgac3505fb14c5f4533d2e190a4a27b5fb.jpg0ac6e1879bcce6f92e4022603dc308cf.jpgc9e32291a7453445c96d5484d76e8312.jpg

And last but not least, shrooms!!


This momma Jawbreaker is nuts!


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Is that orange monti cap for sale[emoji4]



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Not quite yet haha. That colony is only maybe 6 inches haha. And it's actually in the display tank, a lot of these photos are from the display. I should change the title to frag tank/display...

But by the time I make it back to Portland I might be able to clip you off a piece though! :)



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I noticed you said you are running a couple of T247s, how long do you run each Channel and at what intensity?

Having issues finding the "Sweet spot" with mine.



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Channel one (blues) come on at 9am and go off at 9pm

Channel two (white) come on at 11am and go off at 7pm:)

Mine are both at different intensities. The one above me SPS sits at about 80 blues and 50 whites. The one above zoas, I'm working of finding the sweet spot but right now but that are at 30 blues 10 white.


Ok the display, they are all at about 70 blue 50 white. It's a 180 gallon tank.



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