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April Meeting 2015 Bob Fenner Presentation


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 The April meeting was held at the  Tualatin Hills Nature Park & Interpretive Center so a trip through Portland was called for but well worth it. A beautiful building with a grand surrounding of trees and other plant life, a welcome environment for a get together.We even had our own quiet room off to the side to accommodate the large crowd, Kudos to the BOD for setting this all up.


As you probably know the main attraction to this meeting was the speaker, Bob Fenner giving a presentation on a new collecting station in Fiji with and the corals, invertebrates, and fish of the region.

 The talk was aimed at helping in our understanding of the many steps involved in the trade and hobby and as some of you may know there are many hands that things must go through before they get to you and me.




Using a projector he was able to show us some of the areas that are of current interest to the collectors in Fiji and some areas that have yet to be fully recognized for their unseen diversity.




He explained some of the actual physical hardships of getting the livestock from the ocean and also getting it from point A to point B while still keeping things sustainable,profitable, and minimize regional impact.

Boats, planes, vehicles ,and styrofoam rafts are all part of the transport before the transport yo our tanks.




Here he is talking about the treatment of live rock both in the past and the present. There are salt water pressure washers that clean the rock prior to shipping as to minimize the die off during transport. Salt water spray bars keep the rock "live" prior to packaging. And then the thousands of pounds of live rock ready for the aquarium trade. He explained that there are no shortage of the rock as it is being made every day there.




It was a really big attendance and for good reason, Bob was informative and very humorous wich are great traits to have when communicating to a bunch of like minded reefers. If Bob was to read this I would like to thank him again for the talk, I would also like to thank every one involved in getting him to say YES to a trip to Oregon were some of the Best in the West reside.

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I apologize about not posting last night but things were out of control. It was a carpool from Corvallis with Catfish, Higherthinking, Lauren, and myself so it was not just a simple trip to the meeting, it was a full on expedition and we did not get home until well after 8:00PM...Cause thats how we roll.


And then there was the looong acclimation process of all the corals I had acquired from the chain of stores visited, first world problems.


At the meeting there was many many faces and because of my duties of meeting and greeting peoples and handing out some corals I was unable to get pics of all attended but I managed to get a few key shots. For instance...




Maxicurls made an appearance, sorry I did not get a chance to bring you a frag or two to trade but be sure I will find my way back to your place "Molokos" soon enough and we can trade and chat reef then. Good seeing you man.




Garret!!! I keep going in the shop when you are not there, I think we may have the same days off. The Beard is in Full effect my man, you look good and sounds like you are doing well. I look forward to getting over to see the new stash of goods you have. I am always impressed.




Like I said lotsa mingling but soo many people so little time. I wish I got to talk to you Jmanrow but I guess is was not in  the cards this time around. I appreciate those cultures last meet and would love to chat more about the live foods and fish fry at some point. Next time my friend, next time.

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Two of my favorite shop owners right here...




Jeff, I stopped by the shop and dropped some cash even though you were not there. Was actually some good help while I was there and snagged some good corals at the right price, buy 3 get one free-thats 4 for me! Do it twice and leave without going broke. Keep it up guys.




Was good meeting you soft, stopped by the shop and checked out the tanks, looking good. I had to snag a few polyps while in the area. Don't worry, I plan on coming back with more time on my hands so I can actually let my eyes soak it up. Until next time man.




Clark, lets get the polyp dispersal going, there is this little divide between the Oregon Valley and the Kelso Washington area, lets close the gap. I will send you a package here this next week. Let me see what I can throw at you. Good seeing you for the short time I did.man.

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Man some really good people here now that I am going through the pictures and thinking of things to say, only good things come to mind and that is great.




Vanz made it and it looked like the little one barely did, he had a little angel on his shoulder the whole time. I hope those plants work out for you and make sure to PM me your address as I lost it on another forums private messaging. I can still send you some other plants that may be more appealing such as the bacopa varieties. Maybe post up that sweet tank in a fresh water section.




Jorge and Dragon, these guys are into the killer SPS and know a thing or two about the acro keeping. Like I said man, keep me in mind when you get a small frag off of one of those colonies, I missed the Hellboy. I will look into my tank for some interesting chalices and cut one for you.




Even when I F#(! the picture of you Kevin you still have a good smile going on so I keep posting them. Thanks for the efforts put in and I will let you know if I need some assistance with the computer side of things you mentioned. Hope those zoas\palys work out for you.

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Did I mention there was a raffle going on?..Thats because it was not much of a raffle, Jmanrow took it by storm.




Just Kidding guys, there was plenty of loot going out, AMAZING sponsors out there. Killer stuff people.


Blackice and Robyna running the show at the PNWMAS Table, Andrew is using the chair to seem more official since he was the designated ticket reader,it was rigged I tell yah. 1 free ticket to the Paid Members and then $20 for six. I can't remember how much it was for one because I knew I had to throw twenty on it no matter what.




Patore was a winner of a nice Raibow Mili thrown in to the raffle by Critter Cabana I believe. He looks stoked, I know I would be too.




And catfish getting in on the raffle, better hurry you got Jmanrow on the side lines. Was great talking with you, hope I did not wear out your eardrums. I have been known to be a talker if you get me going. Thanks a bunch man, I am glad you were one of the people we car pooled with, great guy here and good company.

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The suspense of the raffle was not just killing me, every one was wanting some of those prizes.




I know I won a refractometer from Barrier Reef Aquariums, Thank you guys very much, very generous of you.... 




Or maybe it was this wacky guy here? People seemed to really pay attention to what he had to say, I know I did. Fun guy this Bob is.



And our new sponsor from Critter Cabana, He brought a BOX of frags for the raffle and made a bunch of people happy. I went into the shop afterwards and treated myself to a few corals since I did not win any...I know don't cry for me.

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Was a lot of fun nice to see everyone! And big shout out to all the sponsors especially critter cabana, might have to go check it out after what they were giving away I wonder what they have to buy! Must be some nice stuff:)! And a big thanks to jmanrow for getting us an awsome speaker bob finner was awsome! Made me chuckle had some good story's, and even had the time to talk to me about what career I am interested in and give me some great pointers and knowledge about what I need to take and do in college, I will definitely keep in touch with him! Thanks everyone again:) :clap;



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A number of other members were there, Kev11- good to see you man its been a while, Fishoutawater- glad I got your frag to you, Lauren-thanks for coming along with us geeks, Eclipse- As I said befoe whenever you are coral ready drop me a line, Gil&Fin- wish I could have asked some anemone questions but I got a little swamped.




Mitrilion good to see you there too, Flashyfins- mad an appearance, and Andrew here just goofing off.




OK maybe not goofing off, he put in some mad work getting the whole sponsor thing arranged.Thank A.Gun.




People may be surprised to hear that there WAS indeed another Sasquatch sighting in the area...




No surprise to me seeing as it was a a nature park very close to one of the sighting in the recent literature I was reading.

Byciclebill seems to find the whole conversation humorous and just continues to trade corals as if everything was normal, this gave Garret enough time to make sure his eyes are not decieving him...Yes, another Sasquatch tracking and sighting to mark down in the book.

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Bob was a very personable guy wich made him rather approachable. I got to talk with him for a few minutes as did a number of other people, so much information and experience in that head of his, great guy.




Did I mention there was also Corals?! Yes there were corals.




 Frag crazy, many people showed up to get their TECO Zoa Grow out frags so that should be under way rather soon and a few other members brought some trade stock. KKnight brought me a nice sand dollar monti she had mentioned many many moons ago and made good on it months later, So nice of you your awesome. Sasquatch always delivers and he did not disappoint, he even contributed to the raffles.


What A crew we have here, can I get an applause from you at home at your keyboards for the BOD,Our Sponsors, and the whole PNWMAS crew for stepping up our "Club" to a virtual family...


The applause can be in your head if that seems more suitable.


Thanks People, Thank You All.

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Great pictures. So good to see everyone had a good time, including our guest speaker Bob Fenner! It was almost overwhelming the amount of winning raffle tickets I had. I am being honest, that sometimes I was hoping I would not have my numbers called! Quite possibly the Universe just swung the odds in my favor for having preparation for this event, being my number #1 occupation these last couple of months! I am just glad that everyone had a great time!  PNWMAS would like to thank all of our Sponsors for their donations and contributions. I do not have a list of Sponsors and donations, to post, but hopefully it will be posted soon.

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Great pictures. So good to see everyone had a good time, including our guest speaker Bob Fenner! It was almost overwhelming the amount of winning raffle tickets I had. I am being honest, that sometimes I was hoping I would not have my numbers called! Quite possibly the Universe just swung the odds in my favor for having preparation for this event, being my number #1 occupation these last couple of months! I am just glad that everyone had a great time! PNWMAS would like to thank all of our Sponsors for their donations and contributions. I do not have a list of Sponsors and donations, to post, but hopefully it will be posted soon.

the raffle was insane! Lol john had to get a fork lift for all his winnings!



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It was a great turn out. It was good seeing familiar faces again. I really wanted to sit in on the presentation, but my daughter was pretty active and wanted to roam. She finally knocked out though....when everything was over. 


Thanks Robert for the plants and grow out frags. You did an awesome job handling things. And nice coverage of the event. 


Also thanks Flashy Fins for the awesome deal on the zoas! They are very nice and plump. 


Thanks for all the sponsors who donated. Shoot, if I had known there would have been lots of frags donated, I would have bought some raffle tickets. 

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