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Long time, no see! I'm still rocking my LPS-heavy, sumpless 29g. Difficult to get a color-acurate photo with my T5 lights reflecting off the back wall, but you get the gist. Juicy polyps and COLOR!!! :love_heart:


I had a 40 breeder custom drilled with a sweet overflow box a year ago, but it's just been sitting empty while I slowly collect all the necessary equipement to set it up right. Santa Claus delivered a nice skimmer, and I've been putting together the plumbing lately, so the move should be happening soon. I've been fishless for a year, as well. I figured I'd wait till I had everything in the new tank; just never expected to take so long with the upgrade! (Brooklynella wiped out my previous fish - not once, but twice. Fun times! A year without fish is comforting in terms of disease eradication, at least.)

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I picked up a really nice elegance from golden basket, the baby one to the right that is bright green.

Had it since 2/28 looks like it is a good hearty one



I see the tamarin wrasse is blocking it a little but you get the idea.  Rudy's elegance, super good experience, hardy coral.

Edited by theclark
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I second that question. How many heads of each did you start with, and how long did it take to grow that many?


Mine has been the same for the year and half I've had it, just 6 polyps. It did grow a 7th, but I watched an acan devour one of the original polyps in front of my face, so that put me back at 6. I'd like to have a softball sized colony, but I don't see that happening anytime soon, unless I buy one that large.

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Phone pic or not, there is allot of super colonies of nice healthy coral, really looks great thanks for sharing.  So what is the secret to trumpets/candy canes?  You obviously have that down those are nice colonies!


Thanks, LPS likes to eat. I broadcast feed before the lights come on every morning. 

I second that question. How many heads of each did you start with, and how long did it take to grow that many?


Mine has been the same for the year and half I've had it, just 6 polyps. It did grow a 7th, but I watched an acan devour one of the original polyps in front of my face, so that put me back at 6. I'd like to have a softball sized colony, but I don't see that happening anytime soon, unless I buy one that large.


I started with 2 heads of the one on the left and one head of the one on the right. I trimmed the one on the left down to 3 heads in August of 06 when I moved to Portland. I got the other as one head in 07/08 ish. 


I recently fragged about 50 heads off the kryptonite (many of the people at the Fellman meeting got some), and 50 or so heads off the original Walt Smith one for some of the schools. I usually give new reefers a frag of each and a tyree green leather when they stop by.


The pagoda cup in the middle I also got as 1 polyp. Jordan at Waves actually sold it to me as a Paly. It used to be a yellow color but when I switched back to T5's on that tank it turned green. 


The scroll coral on the right side I got the size of a quarter in 06. When I moved in September it would not fit in a 5g bucket. 


I have actually been thinking about getting rid of one of the Candy cane colonies, the scroll coral, and the pagoda cup. 


Ya know if you ever wanna trade some acans for somethin I'm down. 

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