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I miss this forum!


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I miss the old forum (sad). Questions, tanks threats, postings.(waving)


How can we bring it back ? It would be really sad for this forum to die.

We made so many friends and contacts when we joined this local forum and sad to see it go down hill


Lets get this forum up and going again (clap)

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The upgrade definitely is taking getting used to. I miss it too! I was thinking about setting up a tank tour to boost morale:) Still can't get my inbox to work lol but I borrowed an ipad to use tapatalk. I am determined! Good to see you're still around Karen! ( clap)



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk




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For all the reasons you all said.


I am determined and committed to make it work while the bugs are sorted out. I am flexible with the admin team (to be?) and will be patient. I love the information here, I love the help, I love the people.


We are local, we can meet each other, see each other's tanks, trade, learn from each other. I just cannot do that anywhere else. Let's hang in there and do our best for the people of PNWMAS, and be patient as possible with the technology.

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In my other thread Randy posted something that was helpful. I did not realize a different browser would matter but yes chrome works best for me too. Otherwise some things do not load properly.

I think the biggest thing Vanz is that most people including me would access the forum from their phone or portable device like their Ipad. I can't get tapatalk on my blackberry for some reason. Tapatalk still didn't work great for me with the Ipad I borrowed.

Any thoughts Jeremy about how to get it to work better on portable devices.

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Chrome is available on several platforms for sure including IOs, not sure about Blackberry. That may well help? I use tapatalk too on mobile, was competely naiive to the issues others were having.


That is the tough part about hosting your own forum, compatibility on the myriad of devices out there.

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Mine works perfect on Safari with the one exception of things being overlaid a bit because of resolution. I use Safari most times but at work I use Chrome and it works well also.

My understanding though is a change will need to happen again and I know if we get the other software it works well. I haven't ever had a problem on Nano-reef, they use that software.


I'm glad people are trying, it sucks to see less traffic but I think we can and will get through all of this, hopefully with minimal pain and suffering.

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Chrome is available on several platforms for sure including IOs, not sure about Blackberry. That may well help? I use tapatalk too on mobile, was competely naiive to the issues others were having.


That is the tough part about hosting your own forum, compatibility on the myriad of devices out there.


I'm not sure what my Blackberry uses as a platform. Believe it or not the upgrade actually tempted me to finally go with an iphone.


Mine works perfect on Safari with the one exception of things being overlaid a bit because of resolution. I use Safari most times but at work I use Chrome and it works well also.

My understanding though is a change will need to happen again and I know if we get the other software it works well. I haven't ever had a problem on Nano-reef, they use that software.


I'm glad people are trying, it sucks to see less traffic but I think we can and will get through all of this, hopefully with minimal pain and suffering.


The new software sounds great. I haven't used nano-reef much but from what I heard it works great with multiple devices. Any news about new admin Matty?

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Great to hear that! I look forward to learning about your system. Did your tank rebound?




It is getting better. Might take some more time to fully starve out the rest of it. It did some serious damage to my zoa collection. But my sps are growing quicker than ever. You can see my setup here. Some of the photos are a little older but its still nice to see the growth of the corals and all.



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In my other thread Randy posted something that was helpful. I did not realize a different browser would matter but yes chrome works best for me too. Otherwise some things do not load properly.

I think the biggest thing Vanz is that most people including me would access the forum from their phone or portable device like their Ipad. I can't get tapatalk on my blackberry for some reason. Tapatalk still didn't work great for me with the Ipad I borrowed.

Any thoughts Jeremy about how to get it to work better on portable devices.



I access the forum from my mobile devices also. I use tapatalk for my iphone, and browse the forum on chrome on the ipad. Also use chrome and firefox for my macs. I noticed that the site doesn't play well with safari though. It is slow compared to other sites, not denying that.


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