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Lexinverts' Red Sea Max reef tanks


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Sad news, but excellent info shared and I am excited that someone on our board is trying out triton.  


If it works well, might be a good solution for my son's AIO 60 cube.  Very interested to see how it goes.  Once I have coral growing again to share, will set you up for the recovery!

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  • 2 months later...

It's been a while since I updated this thread. I just got back from a month in the midwest, so I am re-stocking and re-booting my tanks. I have Triton dosing dialed in, and it is working quite well for me so far.

Here's a picture of my recently re-stocked office tank. Thanks to CuttlefishandCorals, Cerk, and Badxgillen for the frags/colonies for the reboot!



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  • 5 months later...

It has been ages since I updated this thread. Ever since I switched to LEDs in my home RSM250 system, I haven't been able to get a halfway decent shot.

I finally got some of those amber filters from Barrierreef, and here are the results. It makes the tank look a little too yellow, so maybe I need to go with a lighter amber.


As you can see, I really like Gonioporas! Bring on the LPS growout!


As for the SPS, it has been a slow climb back up from my tank crash this summer. Finally, everything is thriving, from Zoas to SPS.









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  • 1 month later...

Here's some shots of my home Red Sea Max 250. Pardon the reflection---we have sun outside at long last. I've finally gotten my Triton dosing dialed in, and my sps are starting to really take off.










Below is a shot of the Scoly I got from Holly. Thanks again, Holly!




Below you can see the LPS growout purple goni frag in the corner. Thanks, Robert!




Here's what the color looks like without the amber gel filter that I got from Barrier Reef Aquariums. I'm still trying to find the right shade of amber, since I think the one I currently have on the lens is taking out too much blue.




Here's a shot with a slightly lighter shade of amber filter. I think that is a little better.




Here's the link again to these filters:



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  • 1 month later...

Nice!  Some of those have really taken off - how long have you been doing the dosing?


Thank you!


I started the dosing about a year ago, but things haven't taken off until recently. I had problems with dinos because of phosphate and nitrate leaching from my rock, and was using Red Sea NOPOX (evil stuff) which caused a system crash that derailed everything for about 3 months. I struggled with controlling nutrients without pulling too much out of the water. GFO, Phosguard, Vodka, etc... all lowered my nutrients too much. Finally, I settled on an algae scrubber from Santa Monica Filtration about three months ago:




Expensive, but effective at keeping my nutrients at phosphate .05-.08 ppm and nitrate around 4 ppm. Now that I finally have nutrients under control, the corals have been flourishing with the Triton dosing. So, it is actually a combination of the Triton dosing and the scrubber that has led to the excellent growth that I have had over the last two months.

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Interesting. Thanks for the info and link.  Glad to hear that things have stabilized. I will have to keep the scrubber in mind as I get my tank up and running - that is a new development since I took the old one down - or at least I hand't been aware of them at that point. Also will check out the Triton dosing.

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