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PNWMAS Meeting September 2014 w pics


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The meeting at Garret's Was a BLAST!!! With Dave"Earth Bound" working the grill,Garret talking coral while running the show,Roy and his great presentation with pictures to match, and a full roster of TPA crew to assist the large turnout. There was a pretty good coral exchange going on and some extremely generous reefers helping out their fellow members,really cool to see the PNWMAS community just go wild.


and now a few pics.

First the Host with the most...Coral that is!(naughty)


The G-Man


Our ex-prez Roy gave us an awesome slide show with fantastic pictures. Many corals,anemones, and fish that I would love to have in my tank. Seeing some of these animals in the native waters as well as the Huge table acros and fields of staghorns was nothing short of impressive. I hope Roy posts a pic heavy thread with some of those shots he had shown for those who did not make it to this event.



Here he is hiding behind the skimmers...Actually it was me who was lurking.

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JManrow it was nice meeting you in person,glad you made it out.As I said before if you find yourself planning a trip that comes through Corvallis let me know and maybe we can hang out for a bit and chat about the hobby more. You can see I indeed do still run a halide and they still grow mad coral. WP_20140921_022_zpsa35a0e6c.jpg

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Robyna the meetings at Garret's are always pleasant ones and I am sure there will be another one in the near future,I look forward to it.


Here we have the grill master and fellow skilled coral keeper Earthbound,thanks for the burgers friend and the frags I got from you look great,more like mini colonies.Super happy. Looks like I am not the only one having a good time.


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There were Scott's fairy wrasses for sale???? I am totally looking for one!
We were all looking into the display wanting to take home some frags and that is when we started talking about fragging the wrasse,I am thinking that the fish in the display are not for sale but I could be wrong. I know if he went in with a net to catch him there would be plenty of frags to go round.
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