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I've been playing the beta non-stop the past few days (despite it being so frustratingly short!). I've already got my D3 digital copy downloaded and ready to rock on the 15th. Too bad I will have to be working most of that day!


Can we get beta keys now that there is a release date? I have still yet to play it :(

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Do you think they still delay the launch?


I am going to upgrade my video card here next month, i'm running a Radeon HD 4830 and I get a little stuttering and only 20FPS in Skyrim on all high settings. Think it would be best to get another Radeon HD 4830 and run them in Crossfire or just to upgrade to a 1g card?

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Do you think they still delay the launch?


I am going to upgrade my video card here next month, i'm running a Radeon HD 4830 and I get a little stuttering and only 20FPS in Skyrim on all high settings. Think it would be best to get another Radeon HD 4830 and run them in Crossfire or just to upgrade to a 1g card?

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Blizz doesn't often delay once they set a solid actual release date, and it's still 6 weeks away at this point.


All of their major hurdles blocking the release (RMAH, International issues etc) have been resolved. I think it will release on time.


In any case, I've already downloaded the digital client and am only waiting on the official "release patch" to make it operational.


I'm using a 3 year old Radion 5750 card (1GB) and it runs D3 beta at 2560x1600 with maxxed settings no problems or stuttering whatsoever. Looks amazing.



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Do you think they still delay the launch?


I am going to upgrade my video card here next month, i'm running a Radeon HD 4830 and I get a little stuttering and only 20FPS in Skyrim on all high settings. Think it would be best to get another Radeon HD 4830 and run them in Crossfire or just to upgrade to a 1g card?


You might as well upgrade, 5 and 6 series cards are so dang cheap now. Kinda wish I would of held out a bit before I bought my 2 7970's because it's overkill on everything i've tried. League of Legends gives me like 650fps, get like 140 on BF3. And i'm running 5760x1080 resolution across 3 screens.


Grab one of these or something http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102948

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I got the 5th class to level 13 in the beta this weekend. Played the crap out of it to get all 5 classes up to that point.


I am so jonesing for the release right now. My favorite type of character to play in games like this would be the Demon Hunter (I played several Amazons in D2), but honestly it's my least favorite one of the 5 right now. I am loving the Witch Doctor a LOT. Way more fun than the Necromancer in D2 was for me. Am pretty sure that will be my 1st character.


I also usually don't play Barbarian melee types, but the Barb in D3 is a hell of a lot of fun, too. Wizard and Monk are good too, but not as fun as the WD and Barb (to me).



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I got the 5th class to level 13 in the beta this weekend. Played the crap out of it to get all 5 classes up to that point.


I am so jonesing for the release right now. My favorite type of character to play in games like this would be the Demon Hunter (I played several Amazons in D2), but honestly it's my least favorite one of the 5 right now. I am loving the Witch Doctor a LOT. Way more fun than the Necromancer in D2 was for me. Am pretty sure that will be my 1st character.


I also usually don't play Barbarian melee types, but the Barb in D3 is a hell of a lot of fun, too. Wizard and Monk are good too, but not as fun as the WD and Barb (to me).




Yeah the witch doctor is awesome lol, so is the monk. But I loved the Necro in D2. My skellyMancer could do uber trist in about 43 seconds.. love that champ lol

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I was sad that they did away with paladins. But have to say that the barb is way better then they were in d2 and are by far the most fun to play for me thus far we will see how things change when can play the full game. I also saw that this will be released on the we at some point with a special d3 wii console.

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I just upgraded my video card from the radion 5770 to the nvidia GTX 560ti OC and all i have to say is wow. Big improvement.


Nice, I use to be on the green team but with the numbers that the 7970 pushed I had to get them lol. I might switch back when nvidia brings kelper out :D

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