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Chromis - holes around mouth!


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This is horrible!


I just fed my fish and checked them out, and my chromis (about 4 years old) suddenly has horrible holes around his mouth area! They weren't there yesterday, and he is still eating like always.

What could this be?


The only other fish in the tank are a pink clown (also about 4 years) and a juvenile atlantic blue tang (been in the tank about a month).

There's some food aggression, but the tang is usually the loser.


I'm just horrified, and not sure if the chromis will heal, but really have no clue how this happened. The holes are on both sides of his mouth and look completely clean, just no skin there at all, and his lips look half detached. From the side, you can see right through him in that area! :(


The same chromis had a problem about a month ago, where it looked like he'd had a stroke. He couldn't swim straight, and disappeared for two days. We thought him dead, but he reappeared, a little scratched up, and was acting completely normal again. I thought maybe a large aptaisia got him, and have since removed the rock that they were on, and now this!


Could there be some rogue attacker in the tank that has been hiding successfully for years?


Water quality is good, with no ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates almost undetectable. PH at 8 - 8.2, salinity 1.024, alk 8, temp 78.8.

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Mine came on pretty suddenly. Noticed a tiny red spot. Then the next day a hole that looked kinda like some one took a tiny melon scoop and took out a chunk. The next day had a whitish ring around it and later that day the whole tail detatched. I have to euthanise the fish. About three months later it happened to another chromis but this one was able to heal after about a week or so and has been fine since. He just pals around with his other chromis buddy.

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Wow! Did you ever find out what caused this?

How does the poor thing eat? I dread what I might find in the morning!


Edited to add: this morning the chromis looks no better/worse, and is still eating and acting completely normal. Can a fish grow back flesh and skin?

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