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Thanks Steve and David So Much (flower)


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(flower)Hey Just want give Steve (saltfinsax) and David (ocboat) a great big shout out and a Thank You for being so generous.

They almost filled my tank between the both of them once every thing grows out Ill be hard pressed to get any thing else in there.


When every thing starts growing out Ill return the favor to a newbee starting out for sure.


Kimberly would you mind giving your offering to Colin
red mushrooms and a green bubble mushroom) Steve took care of me with the shrooms.

Colin check with Rich (richMckee) for some xenia Steve gave me enough for an out breake lol.


You all went above and beoynd what I was expecting to get as hand outs.


Some one should start a room just for the new reefers If any one has extra's or frags for the new guys.


Thanks ReefSickNess

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