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red bubble tip


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My wife just called and said our big red anemone just fell over and looks dead, she said he is turning black and looks like insides are coming out of his mouth, I am really not sure what to do, how do i know he's dead if he is will he contaminate the tank

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now she says fell but attached to the rock still, but he is black in color. if she touches him he tries to close up a little...but he had a 1 1/2 string of pellets come out apparently our water level was low this morning and the heads were not returning any water into the tank she fears the pellets floated above him and sank on him to where he gorged himself on them, they do weird things at time so i dont knwo what to do

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He is fine, back to normal, thanks again for the input, unfortunatley my baby tip from Emerald was getting big and had his own rock and starting to claim his own spot, until I came in last night and found our star fish eating him. I never knew these Chocolate Chips would kill so many things, it has eaten a Xenia the 1st day, and now little man ....

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