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The Banggai Cardinal?


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I have recently been interested in diversifying my fish population. I think I have have settled on The Banggai Cardinal however, i'm reading mix results for success. They seem to do better if they are tank bread, but that makes them quite a bit more expensive. I talked to a LFS who wont carrry them because he puts all his fish through a coppper treatment, and Banggais don't do well with copper. Another LFS only sells wild-caught Banggais, the ones that I have read that have difficulty lasting for more then a week.


I think these are beautiful and exotic looking fish that fit my budget. I am also infatuated with the male mouth egg carrying ordeal.


I am looking for advice from your experience.

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I bought two several months ago and they both are doing great in my 65g mixed reef. The pair mated within the first couple months and the dad was swimming around with babies in his mouth. It was pretty cool. I keep my water parameters pretty tight but I still can't seem to keep chromis or anthias? The cardinals don't swim much and they have a cool robotic like jerk movement when they swim. My kids love them and I would highly recommend them. ps they love pe mysis.

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I have one in my 40b, I have had it for quite a while, I would love to get more, but it seems getting them to pair off is hard to do, so I have only had the one, and it seems to be fine. I really like them, they would be awesome if they schooled/shoaled like Chromis or something, I know shops tend to have them in groups, same with firefish, but many people seem to not recomend it...

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Captive bred bangaii's are typically more hardy IMO. Creating a pair can be challenging but it can be done. It is true that you will see stores with groups of them but the reason they get away with it is that usually they are still juveniles and have not become aggressive towards each other. If you find a group of them at a store the best thing to do is to try to take a little time and watch their behavior. If they are old enough you can start to observe 2 starting to pair off and chasing others away from them. If you see this happening try to purchase those 2. Another way to do it is to purchase 4-5 and watch for 2 to pair off. Once a pair is established they will typically chase all the others off so you will have to either put them in another tank or take them back to the LFS you bought them at. You may be able to work out a deal to return the extras for store credit. If it is a store that you deal with normally I would think they will work something out with you.

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