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fish dying need help!


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An anemone disappeared about 2 days ago. Started walking around. Today my Yellow Tang was found dead along with a chrome. My sump isn't here yet and i don't have any carbon/phos filtration tell i get it... i gave away all my hang on backs ages ago... I don't want to start losing more livestock... making up water right now for a couple of water changes.


does anyone have a filter, larger skimmer or empty sump i can borrow for a few days to clear up my tank? Give me a call 729-1618


r.i.p. yellow tang

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I'm stuck at home today with my daughter sick otherwise I would try and help. But that being said if I wasn't home with her I would be at work...(laugh)


When was your last water change? How much of a change did you do? What type of salt? How long has your tank been setup? How long has the nem been in the tank? What do the fish look like? I could go on and on but maybe these would help in determining what it could have been.

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Ouch, tank set up for 2 weeks? Is this a new set-up, or did you move/switch tanks? A two week old tank stocked that fully that quick is going to fail every time. Did you cure the live rock thoroughly? Honestly, I think there's a real chance that everything in the tank will die. You might want to think about putting things in different tanks - friend's or take back to the LFS where purchased. Once things start to die, as they have, the problem is just going to get worse... quickly.


I'm very sorry that your first experience with saltwater tanks is going to be a bad one. But, to be blunt, I feel worse for the fish/inverts that are going to die. You need to get a little more education before re-starting. There are a lot of great people on these boards that can help you get started right, and a lot of great LFS's that will get you started with good advice, and not sell you things until you're ready. You'll have a much better experience in the long run.

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Drew. I have an Ehiem set up as a carbon reactor you can borrow, just needs new carbon every time you use it.


Jason H. ...He and Kmiller (his wife) have successfully had a 46 bow up and running for over a year. They switched to a 72 corner a few weeks ago. Normal sand cycle, but I know they check the param's regularly.

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We're not 100% sure if the nem did die or not. He started walking about 3-4 days ago and it is out of sight right now, I'm assuming it has either died, or is just tucked in a rock. We switched from a 4x54w t5ho to 2x250w mh, so I'm wondering if maybe it's just photo acclimating itself? Although the light switch happened 2 1/2 weeks ago...


I almost expected the chromi to die Because the Guy at aqua serene said he looked a little more weak than the others.


I'll go and pick up the canister filter tonight from Jon (newfisher) so we can run the phosphate remover and carbon. We'll also skim heavily with our HOB CPR aquafuge 2 w/protein Skimmer, to remove any potential bacteria/sickness/anemone poison in the water. The params all checked out to be normal.


Sent from my Samsung Fascinate using Tapatalk.

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