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What controller?


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I have the AC3P, and after having it for a while....I feel like I'm continually having to calibrate the probes. My conductivity probe has never worked right, even right after calibration, so I can't ever trust it for proper readings. After trying to re-calibrate it three or four times, I've just given up on it altogether. That probe was a waste of money IMO


I re-calibrate my temp probe at least once a week, because it always seems to be a degree or two off by then. The temp probe is vital; it runs both the chiller and the heater. To be safe, I bought a digital thermometer and put it on the sump, so I can make sure it doesn't get too far off the mark.


At least my pH probe seems to work fine [but my Ca reactor's never worked since it was put in (can't figure out why, since I'm new at this), so it doesn't help me to have the probe anyway].


I think it's great for running the rotating schedules of T5/MH/moons and the fans, and I love the Mac interface, but the probes are a big disappointment for me. Support isn't great either. I mean, they're in San Jose and you can't always do everything by phone. For the amt of money you spend on an AC3P, it'd be nice if you could have local support to come out and check things when it's not working. You're basically on your own.


This is just my experience though; That's a lot of money for basically a fancy timer.

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the RK2 to my knowledge does not have any web interface, they just added pc interface for logging data, I think to even access pc you have to disconnect temp probe. Web is REQUIRED for what I am looking for. I may wait till the biomatrix comes out and see what happens between them and aquatronica. Both are pretty spendy.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I sent my 3 non-working probes back to Neptune. They replaced two of them with brand-new ones. I wanted to give them credit on this thread for their service--they replaced two of the probes free of charge and in one day.


Surprise, surprise, the third probe--ORP--"wasn't their brand" .. I was like "Huh?"


I'd specifically given Woody a list of the probes I wanted from Neptune (THEIR lab-grade probes) and we were charged accordingly, but now I find out that he used a cheaper Pinpoint for the ORP. It's never worked, for whatever reason.


Shame on ME for not checking everything carefully when we took possession. I didn't know I needed to check, this being my first reef tank. Another lesson learned!


So the ORP probe wasn't a bad Neptune product after all and the other two are now brand-new. :D

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