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Death spiral?


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Our yellow fin wrasse appears to be doing a death spiral. It appears alert and is actually eating food, but it looks like a cut plug herring trolled during salmon season. Im waiting for a video to upload and I will post it in a while. Has anyone seen this behavior before? I tested my water again and nothing unusual. Corals are good with full PE. What the heck is going on?

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OK here is the first video. This was after I put food into the tank to feed the other fish. You can see the wrasse is acting strangely but was actually taking food away from some of the others. Sorry for the poor quality, the first was an iphone video and the second was taken with my Blackberry.




This is the death spiral video. The wrasse was doing this immediately before and after the feeding.



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I am by no means a fish whisperer or expert on chemically treating fish. There are tons of diseases and ailments that all require a different treatment. Has anyone had any luck with cradeling a sick fish in front of a powerhead and giving it " the dog out the window" water flow over the gills method ?

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im sry to have to say this but your wrasse is probably not gonna make it. usually when they start doing the death spiral they don't last to long.


I didnt figure it would make it, but Im blown away at how fast a fish can go from being visually healthy to nearly dead. I also dont understand how they still have enough spunk to try and eat. I mostly want to figure out what could have caused this, so I can try and prevent it in the future. I have had horrible luck with new fish lately.

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sometimes fish just die for no apparent reason. it can start as soon as there caught or well before then. if they are already sick, how long do they really have to live? it maybe just enough time for you to get them home and enjoy them for a while and then they die. if you really think about a fishes life during and after capture i am really amazed that there is not more that do die. how are the fish caught? how many times are a fish acclimated before we get them? 1 caught on the boat. 2 in a holding tank at the divers place. 3 probably in a wholesalers tank in the area where there caught. crammed in a bag of bad water for a flight for who ever knows how long, and how are these fish handled during this time?. 4 once again in a local wholesalers tank. 5 acclimated in a lfs. 6 and then finally acclimated in your tank at home. how is the water quality in all these tank transfers? how often are they being fed during all of this? these fish are under alot of stess during all of this. there is alot of variables that need to be considered. i think i had someone tell me if you can get 1 in four fish to live they will live thru anything and are usually bullet proof. of course this is not always the case. i hope this helps. i may be wrong on a couple of things and if i am would some one please say so.

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Im just guessing, but it looks like his "airbag"(I've completly forgotten the technical name in the last 10 minutes) deflated and threw him off balance.


I hade a 6-line wrasse swim around like that after being stuck to the side of a very strong overflow for some amount of time while I was out of town.


Do you have a strong pump or powerhead that he could of gotten stuck against that turns off and on so you wouldn't have noticed he was stuck awile, and then he got himself off?

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Im just guessing, but it looks like his "airbag"(I've completly forgotten the technical name in the last 10 minutes) deflated and threw him off balance.


I hade a 6-line wrasse swim around like that after being stuck to the side of a very strong overflow for some amount of time while I was out of town.


Do you have a strong pump or powerhead that he could of gotten stuck against that turns off and on so you wouldn't have noticed he was stuck awile, and then he got himself off?


I have Korallias on a wavemaker, so I guess it is possible. I have had that happen before to a Clownfish, but there were marks on its side. This fish has no marks.


On another note, it was missing all day today, so I figured crab food. Then right before feeding time it made an appearance. It is still doing the corkscrew swimming technique, but is actively pursuing food and eating. Weird.....

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Mabey its his Love dance? Trying to attract a mate? J/k Glad to hear he's sticking around.


If's its a love dance, then I need to call Planet Earth to film it. So far sticking around, but I had pretty much written it off, so now it is getting my hopes up. Maybe that is it's evil plan -- get my hopes up, then croak. ;)

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Nate I looked it up and it does look like Roger is on to something. It sounds like Swim bladder disease. It seems to happen more in tropical fish though but the description fits if you google swim bladder disease.


Thanks Kim. I did google swim bladder disease and found a bunch of information specifically about wrasses. Seems like there are many others that have had the same problem. Some recover, some dont.

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