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HELP!!! Is my GBTA Dieing???


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I've had it for a few months now. It hasn't looked good for quite some time from being beat up by my Cinnamon clown. I've been concerned about it for ages and this is the first time that I have seen stuff hanging out of his mouth. It's also supposed to be a green bta but has been brown since with short stubby curled up tentacles.

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mine does that if my stats swing in the ph or salinity range. and sometimes when i feed heavy garlic or if corals decide to have a war and sting each other the anemone will go inside for a few days. But i agree if its still connected, theres a good chance it will come out of it.

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It's normaly that a bta do that when they digest they turn out their stomach. some times for a day and then they will be fine. normally if he's like that for a couple days then it's a sign something is wrong. either bad water current, over feeding, bad water, or not enough light for your anemone. normally i believe it's the light or bad water quality. but a day he's most likely digesting

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