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Just can't seem to get this under control, and it is choking out some of my corals! It is VERY short 1/32" and I heard it described as brown/red turf algae. More brown than in BAD photo.

Can't seem to find it in Sprung algae book.

I know Miles (Impur) was dealing with it. But he is in the Islands now. (saw him cruising the board the other night, such a reef nerd!).(clap)

It is an emergency to me. Then again, so is a hangnail.


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Does it look like cotton candy? If so I am also fighting it now. What seems to be working well are a bunch of turbo snails, a long spine urchin, manual removal, and dosing with sugar (along with heavy skimming). The sugar gets the nutrients down and the algae turns pale and falls off in clumps that can be removed. I have added 6 turbo snails in the last 2 months and they have made a dent in the algae. I want to add 2-4 more just to get rid of it once and for all. I also want to try a sea-hare, but I have tried them twice before and have not had a lot of luck keeping them alive so I am reluctant to try again.



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I've just had a hard time getting Mexican Turbos introduced into my tank. I think I tried to acclimatize too quickly as far as temperature is concerned? Maybe I have gotton too used to coral introduction (Hi, my name is Plate Coral).

I stopped carbon dosing. Maybe I should kick it in again.

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