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Free purple hornet?


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Yeah, he's probably bombarded with tons of PMs. Here's a new message from him on the shipping list:


"With all that said here is the shipping order. If you have completed your requirements and have not seen your name get added to the list please PM me with a reminder titled "ADD ME"


jackaninny you forgot bswe22 on your list.


Looks like here's the update from 2:30 today, not sure what the numbers means and it stops at 50. Just before pds802 and jackaninny. LOL moovinfast is on there twice. I guess 2 PHs for him.



39 bswe22

40 reefvette

41 vanz

42 reefingbuddha

43 akabryanhall

44 moovinfast

45 tangov559

46 bbdreaux

47 ralphclaude

48 terryagi

49 moovinfast

50 madrussian79







dat wrasse



5-0 Reefer



Bongo Shrimp














militant jurist

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so r we going to wait till the send shipment or does everyone want theirs right away. i think it would be best to have more ppl in the ship that way it cuts the shipping cost down for all of us. please let me know what all of you think.


I would lean towards lower shipper cost over getting my hands on it sooner.

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Re: Free purple hornet?


one of the rules is 1 per address or IP...meaning 1 per member....but it would have been nice no doubt

Haha, I doubt Im getting two. But if I do, Ill spread the love to someone who didnt make it in time



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He PMed me back with "no problems and i wont make you wait as soon as all meet the requirements let me know and it will be approx 39.95 to ship all in one and thank you for helping organize the group ship as it benifits all!Ron R"


So come on guys, just waiting on a couple of people to finish up. I take it there is no waiting list if we do a group ship to one address, so people who aren't on the first 50 will be bumped ahead as well.


Now we have to figure out who the recipient will be. And how everyone will pitch in on shipping.

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I am in that top fifty people. We could have them all shipped down here to Eugene. Either way it looks like I am going to make a trip up the Portland. Either to pick up or drop off. How many people are in the top 50 people? I will be glad to pay $5 - $10 for shipping. (cheap price for the polyp)




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Well if Impur gets on it I think that makes 9 people if they arent capping it at the first 50. So shipping should be like $4.44 each person. We need to find out how many are shipping. We could paypal someone once we know how many or do you just want to have 1 person pay for shipping and pay your share at pick up? Can also ship here if wanted, but Portland area would probably make more sense for pick up.

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