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looking for help/advice

Guest cataphonic

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Guest cataphonic



I have a 80 gal tank at my school and we've had some fish die off in the summer due to the heat. Now are tank is up and running pretty well again, but we could use some more fish and other things to make it happy.

Unfortunatley our funding has run out, so it was recommended that we come check out the tanks for teachers program to see if we could get some help.


I don't really know how your program works, but it would be great if there was someone who could come over and check out our tank sometime. We're in SE Portland.


Also we got the recommendation to propagate some corals as a way to make a little money for our tank. If you can offer any help/advice with that I'd so appreciate it.


I have a group of 6 students 10 - 13 who help care for the fish and are excited to work on growing corals. Our school is pretty unique in that the kids get to chose how and where they spend their time at school. Lots of the kids hang out in the lounge area by the tank and really appreciate it being there. I think if our tank were more beautiful and full of life, more of our 50 kids would get involved in learning from it.


thanks so much - Cat

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It would make me very happy to help....I dont have much to give other than if there are things that need to be moved from down south to the school, I can help as I travel from Albany to Portland almost everyday and can go as far down as eugene....

Let me know if a transporter is needed. ;)

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Hey I am here also. PM me if you have any concerns. I am not to the point yet that I have lots of frags to give. My system has only been set up for a month now. (a long story) In your PM let me know about lites and what type of skimmer you have. I would also contact DZOZ. He is the local guy in Portland. I am in Salem but will help any way possible.

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I am in Oregon City, and I have been a collection point for donations to the tanks for teahers program. I have some left that I can give you. It all depends on the quality of your lights and the stability of your system. Give more details about what you have, and I'll start finding some frags for your tank.



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Guest cataphonic

Yay. Thanks for all the responses. I really appreciate what you're offering.

Let me see what specs I can come up with. We actually have a really nice setup that we got from SaltwaterFantaseas.

The tank itself is about 80 or 90 gals with a black back wall and a rounded front. It has a sump under the tank with a protein skimmer and a filter bag and a heater. There are two lights attached to a big blue ballast. I'll check tomorrow what the lights are specifically. But one's blue and one is yellower. The yellow one makes the tank look kind of dirty, so it would be nice to get another blue one.

We have a bunch of rock and an inch or so of sand. There are only 4 fish, 3 damsels and an angelfish, which are all pretty agressive. They've starved anything else we've put in the tank in the past several months. But we also have a star fish (orange like a carrot), a bristle star fish (which might be getting a bit big, but the kids love it,) a decorator crab (which might be a problem with the corals, as it likes to pluck them and wear them), a shrimp, a bunch of hermit crabs and some snails. And then we have two corals, one is an inverted brain and the other one a green zoanthis which is kind of worked over by the crab. But the tank is so huge it really looks quite empty.


hope that's not too much info for all of you. Just thought I'd get out what I could remember. I'll follow up with a couple folks individually too.


thanks so much - Cat

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Just my thought but if you want to diversify I would do a little bit of thinning the herd. Get rid of your aggressive stuff like all 4 fish and the decorator crab. I know from experience do this slowly so the kids don't notice. Then do a huge water change and then introduce some more colorful and friendlier fish like a yellow tang, lawnmower blenny, a jaw fish. I try to give a good representation of the fish diversity. Talk to Patrick about other fish that are cool but friendly. After that (like at least a month) introduce some soft corals. I like to put something new in my tanks about every month so the kids look forward to seeing new stuff. The key is to not overcrowd your tank all at once or have too much stuff in their in general. PM me if you ever need help.


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Guest cataphonic

As I'm getting in touch with different people I realize that I don't really understand the protocol and lines of communication for the TFT program. Would one of you be so kind as to walk me through what the steps are that I should be taking and give me a little overview of who's responsible for what.

I have read a bunch of the TFT website and set up a login there, but it looks like it hasn't been used much in the past year, so I'm not sure where to go from here.

Just don't want to step on anyones toes as I'm just getting to know all you wonderful, helpful people.


thanks - Cat

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The application was received by Kris and forwarded to the board. It looks good so far. When you get your aggressive fish out of the tank I can donate a couple of clownfish to your tank if you like. I have 4 or 5 species right now and you could pick a couple out. I may also have a few frags of some soft corals I could pull out of the living room tank.



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Guest cataphonic

update so far


Things are looking good in our tank.


We did a larger water change and cleared out some of the algae and then the kids said goodbye to the more aggressive creatures including the decorator crab and the bristle starfish. thanks Mr. S for the advice.


Calvin came out and helped me catch the fish. He's also working on a little tank that we might be able to keep some of the anti-social critters and algae in connected to our main tank. He told me we have 250W metal hydride bulbs, so we're good to go with the corals.


I think we're about ready to introduce a new group of fish.

Dave, you offered some clownfish. The kids are really excited about that. When's a good time to come pick them out? where are you?


I also started up a page on the TFT wiki. I'm not too good at doing that. I don't know if any of you use that page. But if there's someone who's willing to help me navigate it better. I'd love that.


thanks so much to all - Cat

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Cat, good to hear about the tank. I don't know much about the wiki (I am a bit computer challenged) but you can always pm me if you need to. I would suggest that you look over your tank and picture what you want it to end up being filled with. I know it sounds weird but I do the list thing that way I don't impulse buy. Let me know what you come up with. I have been doing this for quite a while in the classroom. 250 watt MH give you quite a bit more flexibility. Also, before you buy, pm me first. I am slowly acquiring frags that I can share.


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I live up in Vancouver right by Vancouver Mall. I believe that we are going to be around most of this weekend if you would like to pick them up then. Are you coming to the meeting on Saturday? If so I would recommend coming up after the meeting to pick them out. Let me know what works best for you and I'll try to work it out. Shoot me a PM and I'll send you my address and phone number.


I believe that I have 5 different types of clowns right now you can pick from.



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