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Any PC gamers? Beware!


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Not sure how many folks have been waiting for the release of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. I have for almost a year. Well today they(Infinity Ward) decided to announce that there will be NO DEDICATED SERVERS for MW2. Which means no servers, no admins, no mods, no patches. Basically the same game you would get with an xbox.




If your a gamer this will piss you off.(flame)(flame) Already know at least 20 people that canceled their pre orders.


Theres a petition going around. has over 40k in signatures already today.



If your a gamer sign the petition in a hope to stop what will start the downfall of pc gaming.

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yeah but they are less competitive too. That is the part that kills me. I yearn for the competition. There is nothing more satisfying than to knife or head shot a actual person. Just dreaming of how many people I have made throw things, scream, pound their keyboard like this guy

. Makes me smile everytime
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